So, this turned out to be the absolute dream team in terms of sorting out my hair which I’d neglected for a bit without doing any hydrating masks, using any old mish mash of products and overdoing it on the straighteners. It was just me being lazy to be honest – hair washing isn’t my favourite thing and if I can make it last the full three days I do! We were at a wedding in Wales over the weekend so I really did need a good 3 day last. On the Thursday, I washed with Head & Shoulders because I’ve had a flaky scalp (very unusual for me) which did such a good wash I’d put it almost on a detox shampoo level and of course, with the benefit of helping with flakes. I then put in the Christophe Robin Regenerating Mask and left it in over night.

By the next morning I looked like Medusa – my hair had spiraled into some mad curls that stuck out at all angles! Once I’d rinsed it away and blow dried – the shine! It was amazing…and better still, the dryness had completely gone so my hair had lots of movement. It’s Tuesday now and yes, I need a wash but only just. I just think the combination of a very cleansing shampoo and a highly hydrating overnighter did the trick. I know they seem unlikely partners with the Christophe Robin mask costing £57 (yikes) HERE, and Head & Shoulders costing £4.99 HERE, but I’ll definitely pair them up again – probably tonight!
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