I think that Fred Segal’s The Blend Custom Fragrance Kit is a precursor of a massive trend to come in consumer fragrance. We’re all so used to blending, adapting and layering our beauty products, whether it’s adding oils to creams or highlighter to foundation, that it seems a natural to take control of our fragrance. With perfume, you’re absolutely at the mercy or someone else’s olfactory aesthetic, and beautiful as it might be, it’s not really made for you.
I notice that Sephora have picked up The Blend Custom Fragrance Kit in mini size ($29) above to test the waters, but if you head to The Blend Site you’ll see that there is a more exciting 10 unit kit to experiment with ($150). As I’m writing, the site is indicating that there are only 4 left, so we don’t need to worry whether it’s popular or not! The fragrances are all roller-ball.
The Blend Custom Fragrance KitWhat I love about the kit is that it comes with recipes – basically the number of ‘swirls’ of the rollerball you need to create a particular scent. I imagine experimenting on your own is more fun but at least you have something to get you started. I can’t find a UK shipping option, so you might have to beg a friend heading to the US, but watch this space in the fragrance world.. I think this one might fly. The Blend site is HERE.
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