If there are prizes going for pretty bottles, Marc Jacobs Violet has to be a contender (although Van Cleef & Arpels Feerie does take some beating). It’s one of the prettiest bottles I’ve ever seen in a lavender lustre/pearl with flowery-butterflyish hybrid.

As far as the fragrance goes, it’s a fairly standard Marc Jacobs crowd-pleaser formula – soft, vanilla loaded and fruity-floral; close, in fact to Daisy. If you’re hoping for a big hit of violet (as I was), you will be disappointed – it’s only just there, but unlike other violet fragrances it doesn’t instantly remind you of parma violets. I find it more caramel than anything and as it warms on the skin, that rounded sweetness intensfies. Bottom line here is that if you are already a Marc Jacobs fragrance fan this will be right up your street and if you’re not, it’s a good introduction to his fragrance aesthetic. The big sell on this is the bottle – I can’t remember seeing an opalescent bottle before (there must have been some, I am sure) and just on looks alone I think this will hard to pass by without trying a spritz!
Marc Jacobs Violet has been made specially for tax free shopping so you’ll find it at World Duty Free.

I spotted Marc Jacobs Mod Noir on Sephora a while ago – seems that it’s a Sephora exclusive for now and I’m not sure whether we’ll ever see it in the UK at all. It sounds rather interesting, as a reinterpretation of the 60’s with gardenia and musks. If you’ve tried it, please tell me! I don’t have a price for Marc Jacobs Violet, but most 50ml MJ fragrances hit the £40+ mark.
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