This post has to be more pictures than words because there’s nothing I can tell you about the fragrance, Chanel No5, that you don’t already know. It can’t have escaped anyone that red is having its moment – almost every premium brand is red-washing its lipsticks (Lancome, Dior, Armani) to stand out from the crowd, I assume. But, I love it – there’s something about red that feels so much more desirable, particularly for lipsticks, than the standard black casings.

Chanel’s red is smoked with black tones – it’s a deep blood red that’s both visceral and alluring and the packaging is both precise and consistent.

No5 has remained my favourite of all the Chanel fragrances – it was the first fragrance Mr BBB ever bought me. He also bought me this charm bracelet about 10 years ago and it’s also the favourite of all my bracelets although I rarely wear it because I’m afraid of losing it. Anyway, Chanel No5 Red Edition is £130 for the 100ml, although I notice today that John Lewis has a 15% price drop making it £110.50 HERE. I think this will be under a lot of trees this Christmas!
Non Aff HERE
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