I tore through M&S earlier this week as a cut-through to a meeting and spotted some beautiful winter clothes. I’m good at talking myself out of buying things – I’ve been looking at the richly coloured Mango velvet jackets and having all of the wants but wondering if they would just sit in my wardrobe while I hide myself in my default black clothes as usual! Anyway, starting with this black coat with quilty detailing – very Chanel – I love the fuzzy collar and that despite the waist detailing, seems to fall straight. It’s £79 HERE.

It was only last week that I was saying how much I love Bella Freud sweaters (yours for £290) – this one has all of the Bella Freud style to it but it’s £27.50 HERE! I’d personally go as large as the sleeves would allow (before trailing on the floor) because I like things roomy.

This is the easiest wear top I think you could hope to find – jeans, black trousers, waxed skinnies – what doesn’t this go with? I don’t really do very dressy so this is the perfect understated find. It’s £27.50 HERE.

I read a quote the other day saying something along the lines that every woman thinks they can fix M&S – so true. My fix would be to make this very Zara-Chanel-esq skirt black, not navy. But, I don’t mind mixing navy and black and I’d shove on a chunky black knit with this like the one below and some wintery ankle boots. I can’t even believe it’s M&S but it is and it’s £39.50 HERE.

This comes in four colours – this one is navy (why isn’t it black!) and it’s £35 HERE. So far, I’ve bought more boots than anything else for winter – I’ve got a post about them coming up.
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