[productsamples] I’ve posted before about Wild Nutrition supplements – I’m a supplement fiend and take them religiously. I take a variety of supplements, gradually turning over to Wild Nutrition for everything other than my Imedeen and Good Hair (making me both a customer and a reviewer). The only one I’ve rejected out of hand is Cognitive Connect because after 3 months of taking it I’m no less fuddled! I take Magnesium, Zinc and Immune Support and will shortly be starting my Vitamin D supplements as well.

I prefer these above others because they’re food grown (nutrients grown in food tend to be of higher quality and therefore you need a less high dose than if you were taking non food grown – the process is detailed HERE and makes for very interesting reading). But, if you look at the things I’m taking, those jars add up – I’ve got a special box to keep them in and it weights a tonne – and therefore so does the waste. Wild Nutrition has come up with refill packets that mean you’re not constantly buying jars or overloading your recycling centre.

These new packets keep the supplements safe and sound but are completely biodegradable, recyclable and compostable – it’s as though they never were. I know we’re all more conscious of our waste output and this just seems like the easiest way in the world to make a small difference. If you think about a trip to Holland & Barrett with ALL those jars, packets and tubs – they all have to end up somewhere; imagine if they just disappeared back into the earth? Now think about going to the supermarket and then imagine all of that just disappearing back with no environmental impact – now we’re talking about significant solutions. This is a small packet of supplements but an indication of how our purchasing landscape could look – I hope all manufacturers are taking note of this packaging and wondering how they can do the same. Wild Nutrition is HERE.
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