I think that UV detecting wrist bands are often flagged up for kids, but to be honest, I think we should all be wearing them – all of the time! Most people are sun aware these days and we know to cover up with SPF, what times of day to avoid the sun, etc, especially on holiday But it’s the innocent days, not days on the beach, that catch us out most easily.
SUN SMART UV Detecting WristbandsIt’s the quick lunch hour in the garden, the game of tennis late afternoon, the morning run, the quick outside cafe coffee that can leave us red skinned.
If anyone’s thought to make them prettier than they are now so they’re more everyday wearable, please put them into production today! In the meantime, Marks & Spencer have packs of Sun Smart wrist bands to give away from 3rd June when you buy two or more products from the Sun Smart suncare and aftersun range, and they measure both UVA and UVB radiation.
If you haven’t come across these bands before, they alert you that it’s time to top up on SPF by turning beige, or to let you know you have had enough sun for the day, they turn pink (hopefully not like you!). Otherwise, they remain yellow.
I’ve also spotted them on Amazon but at £4.99 for a pack of five they’re still too expensive for most people for daily wear – I reckon in a year or so the competition on these will be high so hopefully prices will fall.
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