[productsample/affiliatelink] To be clear, the foot cream is the product sample – I bought the Fitflops myself!
I’ve just had a quick weekend away with Mr BBB at the Italian Lakes (Stresa on Lake Maggiore) and while it wasn’t really warm enough for toes out, it was a wake-up to sort out my feet before I’m back in my Fitflop uniform for the summer. Since our hotel had a pool, I did at least put my new Mary Quant polish on my toes (we didn’t go anywhere near the pool – pasta got in the way) just in case. I’m lucky that my feet aren’t chronically dry so it doesn’t take too long to get them soft and flexible again which makes this drop of Soaper Duper foot cream very timely. It’s got the most peppy peppermint fragrance that translates to a bit of a cool feel on the skin (but I still think it’s odd that we associate mint with teeth and feet.. why?!). It’s a non-slippy buttery consistency – exactly as you’d expect a shea butter product to feel and contains fruit acids and urea for enzymatic exfoliation while you moisturise. I can’t actually believe it’s only £7.50 to be honest. I don’t know this brand very well but I do know this is punching above its weight, and a good example of how well ‘natural’ products can perform (95% natural ingredients, how ever you choose to interpret that). You can find it HERE. Now, on to the Fitflop purchase!

If you’ve read BBB for a while, you’ll know I have virtually a library of Fitflops. I was an early adopter and I’m as obsessed now as I was back then when I first started wearing them. These are the Halo Thongs, £70 HERE non affiliate HERE and if you’ve never ordered from the Fitflop site before there is a 20% off opening offer (although from tomorrow 2nd May it’s 20% off site-wide, new order or not).

I’m just showing you how they look on my feet in my scruffy jeans, but I could wear these with absolutely anything I think (and will!). I’ve got a new-ish khaki silk dress from the Zara sale and it’s the first thing I thought I’d wear them with but it’s more likely I’ll be traipsing round the park in my jeans instead. They’re super comfy – the bands are cushioned – and I have never had toe rub from the thong (although a friend did initially). Sizes are from 3 to 9 but 4.5 and 5.5 are sold out at the moment (there is a gold version – also lovely – same sizes sold out!). I think the Halos will be very popular so don’t delay if you fancy them.
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