If you’ve followed this blog a while you’ll know that I love tooth whitening – I think it’s one of the best whole face brightening things you can do. The Rapid White Pro Clean & Polish System is like what your dentist does when you leave with your teeth literally squeaky with cleanliness – you certainly do get that squeaky clean feeling with this.
There are two head that go on the main body – a rubber one for polishing and nylon bristle one for cleaning. Included are four little pots of cleaning paste. I didn’t read the instructions properly first time round and couldn’t get the paste onto the head of the polishing nib in any meaningful way but further reading showed me that you need to have the device on at low level, dip it into the pot and it scoops up the right amount.
I have far more use for the polishing head than the cleaning head – and it did make my teeth brighter almost straight away so there is no doubt that it’s a decent accessory if you drink coffee, tea, red wine or smoke, because it does tackle stains to give an overall brightening effect. However, I would avoid it if you have sensitive teeth – mine felt quite sensitive for several minutes after use. I’m sure I don’t need to say that it doesn’t replace a proper clean at the dentists; this is cosmetic only and should serve as a top up clean between dental appointments. I also very much doubt it will brighten yellow teeth – it’s really only stains that it tackles. I look at this as a tooth peel really – like an exfoliation for teeth; in the same way that your skin looks brighter and better for a good cleanse and slough, so indeed do your teeth.
Anyway, it’s £50 (reduced but you might want to hold fire and see if it comes down any more) HERE.
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