For something so happy, refreshing and olfactorily bright, the Ragdale Hall Be Happy Refreshing Shower Burst has very uninspiring packaging! However, it is a gorgeous morning shower scent, full of passionfruit and lemon peel – zesty but also with that kind of smile making fruity, almost a pudding, kind of aroma. It’s £6, which seems really reasonable to me.

The shower gel (those ‘beads’ are vitamin E balls) is part of the Be Happy collection that includes a spritz, a handcream, a scrub and the body sorbet you can see above. In all honesty, they’re very basic products in basic packaging but they do smell flippin’ lovely! I found the shower gel scent lingered a little while on my skin, so it’s great on hot days as a morning refresh, but the sorbet seems skimpy on perfume. I’m also a little bit side-eyeing the whole ‘Approved By Therapists’, which alludes to the fact that its part of the Ragdale Hall collection. On the back it says ‘created and approved by expert therapists at the award-winning Ragdale Hall Spa’. It’s, as I said, a very standard formula with minimal packaging and not unusual fragrances, so I’m struggling to see what design happened here. Anyway, I’m nit-picking, but it’s important to read between the lines sometimes.
I can’t knock the scent of the shower gel – it really is a happy scent so perhaps nothing matters but that. You can find the range HERE.
Non Aff HERE
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