I see so many products here at BBB HQ – sometimes it’s the biggest relief when you don’t actually have to think to hard about a product because you know it’s 100% solid and so completely reliable that you can recommend without hesitation.
So it is with the Lano Lemon Hand Cream Intense – Lano is one of the brands that I’m so happy exists in my world. I use Lano Lip Balm virtually every day of my life and I don’t even want to think how many tubes I’ve gone through since I discovered it. My sister uses it, my daughter uses it and I’ve been at events and we’ve all done a little ‘what’s in your handbag?’ chat and sure enough, out comes Lanolips.
Lano Lemon Hand Cream Intense isn’t a ‘disappearing’ hand cream – you have to be prepared to work it into your hands and wait a little time for it to absorb but if you have sore and chapped hands it’s a couple of moments well spent. Someone on Facebook asked me if it’s suitable for men – it certainly is; the scent is slightly milky-lemony but it’s not candy-lemons to my nose. If the horrible weather has got to your hands, go HERE. Key ingredients are lemon oil and triple lanolin. It’s £8.99.
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