ZIIP HALO Lip Treatment Results

[AD] A final update on ZIIP HALO. If you recall, the ZIIP HALO device, which I’ve tested on two separate, prolonged periods now, provides your face with a blend of nanocurrents and microcurrents to tone the complexion and stimulate collagen and elastin via electrical currents and kinetic heat. A fuller explanation is in my original post HERE from August 5th, the date I started one of the new treatment options targeting the skin around the lips.

We are now approaching the six week period which gives me enough time to see results, if any. I have smoking lines (I stopped!) but because our mouths are the hardest working facial feature, they’re very prone to creasing whether you enjoyed a Silk Cut or not. I’m not bothered by them – they’re just part of my (almost 60 year old) face, but do recognize that they’re good candidates to test on just to see.

I’m happy to say that I can see a result from using the ZIIP HALO following the two minute lip routine (almost) daily and I was expecting to having used the device last year on other areas of my face. It’s not a replacement for surgical or non-surgical treatments so don’t expect a miracle; instead expect a softening where creases look less deep and more in tune with the rest of your face.


I can’t stress highly enough how important it is to be consistent – the results you’ll see are dependent upon the work you put in (and two minutes a day doesn’t really feel like work!). You’ll need to continue to follow the treatment (very easily done on the app which talks you through the routine, showing you exactly what to do) if you want the results to last. I think you can see over the six weeks in pictures I’ve previously posted that there is a very gradual and gentle softening so the journey is already charted photo-wise.


And finito! Despite the distraction of the dramatic hair change, I think this picture sums up the result perfectly – the light is right, I’m wearing some make up (Chanel water tint, so very much the lightest possible touch) and the creasing around my mouth is gently softened – it’s a realistic result. The crease at the centre of my lips is more prominent in the first picture so you can guage from that, I think. You can see the creases are still there but not at the same intensity. ZIIP Halo is the least effort facial device I’ve used. I’m about to start another revisit on different device and while it’s not a bother as such, I know it’s going to be a lot more effort than ZIIP. I can easily say that ZIIP is the one if you’re lazy (like me!), if you can be consistent and I think it will give you the most value for money if you experiment with the other treatments such as the Vacation Prep 10 Day Plan – and no, you don’t need to have a holiday booked for this and neither do you need to have a wedding on the horizon for the 14 Day Wedding Prep! They’re fun to play with and will definitely leave you with more toned and glowy looking skin.

I’m going to stop using it now and I expect the lines to lose their softness – consistency, remember! It’s a considered purchase at £379 but I have a code for 10% off ZIIP HALO at CurrentBody HERE. Please use JANEZIIP (you can also use this if you need top up gels for an existing device).

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