Zerreau Towel Off Shampoo is billed as the next generation dry shampoo – because it’s wet! But not so wet that it will do anything much other than foam on your hair which you massage in and towel off (which in theory lifts all the oils and grime) then style as normal. From what I can tell from reviews, it doesn’t perform as well on greasy hair as it does on just generally ‘needs-a-pick-me-up’ hair but I’m quite intrigued by it!
Other than that it comes in strawberry and apple scents, Zerreau Towel Off Shampoo doesn’t give a lot of other information – while I think it’s going to be an excellent festival product (or camping holiday) if you have the type of hair that needs some heavy re-styling if it even so much as sniffs rain in the air, you’re not going to be all that much better off. But, if you are happy to free-style, and aren’t worried about having access to a hair dryer and straighteners, then it’s all good! I’ve found this for various prices around the internet but it’s currently £4.50 HERE.
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