You know when you see a product and think, well, why has nobody thought of this before?! Wonderuci Real Mascara Remover falls right into that category. The thing with removing mascara is that you end up having to really give your lashes a work over with remover and cotton pads, which inevitably leads to breakage and I am sure speeds up lash fall. The Wonderuci is a remover with a mascara brush that winkles its way right down to the roots so you, in theory, don’t have to be so rough to get every last bit off. I haven’t tried this but the theory of it is so simple and I love the idea. If you’ve tried it, please do let me know – I’d love to know if it works as well as it suggests.
I found Wonderuci on a very cool little site called Memebox HERE based in the US that specialises in Korean brand make up – and does a beauty box filled with Korean wonders – with all sorts of curiosities. They do ship so it’s well worth checking out if you are interested in Asian beauty products.
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