Why Is Lipstick So Expensive?


Prices go up, that’s the natural way of things, but I can’t help noticing that lipsticks seem to be going wayyyy up! It’s almost completely normal to be asked to pay £20+ for a lippie which seems excessive to me, no matter what’s in it.

I asked Twitter followers if they felt the same. Comments were really interesting.. one person commented that their Chanel Rouge Coco had shot up from £21 to £23 in a year, and similarly others felt that MAC has gone up a lot (£12 to £15) in the last year or so. Remember when No7 was considered completely budget? It’s now £9.50 for a lipstick.

I had a lovely tweet from someone who bought an Elizabeth Arden lipstick and nail polish in 1982 and it cost £7.50 for both. Now you can kiss goodbye to £19.50 and that’s for a lipstick only. Someone else commented that they thought it was the ‘Tom Ford’ effect – that’s a good point – TF lipsticks are £36.50 each. You can actually buy quite a nice handbag for that. YSL, Guerlain and Armani are just under £25, while Estee Lauder is bang on £20 (or £21 depending on which range you buy from, moving up to £26 for the Mad Men limited edition). Dior is £26, and Lancome is £21, while Clarins looks like a bargain at £18. The effect being that if one brand prices high, then others will follow in order not to be left out of the luxury line-up. You can’t be luxury if you’re too cheap.

So, what could possibly be in lipsticks that costs as much as a pair of shoes? Well, there isn’t a huge deal of difference in material costs; pigment, waxes etc, but the difference in price is often reflected in the packaging – you can’t compare Mad Men say, with a No7, packaging wise, nor a metal case with a plastic one; a big proportion of what your money goes on is advertising. A brand that doesn’t advertise can afford to sell lipstick at a cheaper price than one that does.. those costs, marketing, advertising and promotions are pretty well built into that delicious red shade from the get-go.

However, there are some general industry price hikes that every make-up brand will be susceptible to. For a start, while lipstick is built from waxes and pearlescent pigments, some do use higher quality waxes to prevent a dragging feeling and increase pay off, there genuinely is a price hike at manufacturing end for synthetic waxes. This is because there is an increased demand for them (look at how many new make-up launches there are in the UK every year and then times it by the world). There is genuinely a shorter supply of beeswax (I keep saying it, be nice to bees) due to declining bee populations, and pearl prices go up every year as a matter of course. This doesn’t explain away how a lipstick can cost £36, but ya know.. at least you know about £6 of it is worth it.


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26 responses to “Why Is Lipstick So Expensive?”

  1. Great post! I am disgusted with some of the lipstick prices, especially since not always quality comes with it! My top three in terms of usage are Boots 17 Showbiz, MAC Myth and Sleek’s Cherry – without breaking the bank. £36 for a lipstick… Never! Unless it is a really really special one.


  2. I don’t mind the odd luxury to put on my dressing table but the idea of choosing them as a matter of habit brings me out in a cold sweat! Bit of lipcote keeps on a Barry M shade just as long as a Chanel shade!

    1. Sudfah

      I haven’t used lipcote for years, because I always found it dried and flaked! Has the formula changed?

  3. Kate

    I’ve only really just started using lipstick, so can’t speak for price increases, but when I bought my first YSL a few months ago, I was very shocked when I handed my card over!

    It’s just so pretty though, that now I have done my ‘girl maths’ on it so I can justify it to my boyfriend.


  4. Myfanwy

    What an interesting post! I completely agree it’s a little steep at the moment for some nice lippy. I work at Boots and have noticed a lot of the designer perfumes increasing in price so maybe there is a link that luxury might not be selling as well in these tight times?


  5. I always wonder if I’m starting to show my age, but I think everything is ridiculously expensive these days. As the prices go up, I am more discerning about my makeup purchases. I buy less, but when I do buy something, I’m pretty judgy about its quality. But unlike decent shoes, lipstick won’t last forever, no matter how delicate you are with it!

  6. Vicki Day (@mrsd_daily)

    After our twitter conversation I was looking round the internet and one of the “recession business stories ” which was a reoccurring theme was the fact that even though people are cutting back on all kinds of luxuries women are still spending on nails polish and lipsticks as it’s a great way to uplift your mood/wardrobe/look and an affordable treat and I am sure this has played partly with the increase plus the Tom Ford effect as other brands will have seen it didn’t stop sales

  7. rne

    Armani lipstick is exactly £25, not under £25.

    1. Jane

      actually, Rouge d’Armani is £23. Check houseoffraser.com x

  8. You are so right about this. Especially right now that there are good lip products for cheaper prices, I don’t get why people should spend so much. Come on, if you like the Mad Men atmosphere and make up you just have to search for a similar, let’s say, lipstick shade for a cheaper price. It’s the fun part of shopping, after all! It’s not a wonder that lipsticks and nail polish sales didn’t lower, with a couple of euros you can make your day/week so much better.

  9. I think some high street lipstick prices are ridiculous!! Especially Revlon, £7.99 for a lip butter is way too high, surely it doesn’t cost anywhere near that to make it?

  10. Interesting post! some brands are just greedy in my opinion!!



  11. Very interesting post… But from an insider point of view here are a few facts which I hope help:
    1. You do not pay for the marketing within a product price. No brand operates in this way unless they have only one product on offer. Marketing costs come out of a topline budget and are never influenced by the price of a product. Ever. If any company worked like that they simply wouldn’t last very long.
    2. Prices are set based on competitors and re-evaluated every 12mths. If another brand is raising their prices and getting away with it, then others will quickly follow suit. A lot of this pressure comes from retailers themselves who want to make a higher margin.
    3. With premium products you don’t only pay for the higher quality pack, but the higher quality control. For example, when you buy a Chanel lipstick you’re paying not only for the one you take home, but for the 3 they throw away during quality testing that don’t meet their 100% perfect guidelines.
    4. The lower end of the market has an impact on the upper – with lipsticks being sold by brands like MUA for £1, mid-range brands like No7 need to differentiate themselves with higher price points. This then impacts Dior as they want a big enough gap between No7 and themselves. (If that makes sense!)
    Ingredients and their prices do have an impact, but on a product level this is pretty minimal – ingredients are purchased in such massive amounts that this may only add 5p onto a lipstick overall, so that’s not the whole story. Hope this helps to clear up some of the reasons, but basically it’s only gonna go upwards!

  12. Trimperley

    Exchange rates probably play a part as well and the pound has been sliding downwards against the dollar. I think that some brands are going to price themselves out of their market. There seems to be a bit of a lipstick bubble at the moment, it will burst. One thing I’ve learned about bubbles is that they take longer to play out than you think.

  13. Hiya sweets,
    Great post. Thanks so much for sharing. Not long ago, I completed my 30 Lipsticks in 30 Days challenge where I tested a variety of lipstick brands. I completely understand where you are coming from.

    TBH, I still feel that £36 for a lipstick is quite steep. However I would say that if a product offers value for money and is kindly your lips then I wouldn’t mind stretching my pennies a smidgen further.

    LiLi Xx

  14. Well, Avon make such googd lipsticks, and they are so cheap 🙂 Even their cheapest section, Color Trend, has a nice quality lipstick in it (for a pound or so)… What are we talking about, then? Just brands, and what you say – you can’t be classy if you’re cheap. Well, I’m not classy, but I stay away from spending my money on nonsensically expensive cosmetics, as well 😀

  15. Lindsay B

    Couldn’t agree more! The price of lipstick appals me. Mind you it is definitely a “brand” thing with the designer brands costing a leg and a half. However, even some high street/drug store prices are ridiculous. Being a poor student, I always end up buying the cheap and horrible products. 🙁

    Great post xx


  16. niche

    Yup, I just paid $40 CAD for a Chanel lipstick. I was pretty surprised since I thought it was $30-32 but oh well. Still bought it because Chanel is beautiful

  17. Turnham

    £7.50 in 1982 is apparently worth £22.65 in today’s money.


    So perhaps the price increase since then isn’t totally out there?

    1. Jane

      It was for two things though…

  18. Hilly

    It’s the and handbag effect. Shoes are now going the same way. If we buy them at silly prices they will continue to be priced that way and keep going up…. X

  19. Sudfah

    This is why I stick to gloss ☺

  20. Teri

    I love this post! Totally agree. Xx

  21. Very interesting post! I agree that too many lipsticks are over-priced aswell as some eyeshadows! thank god we have some (yes SOME) brands that are respectable prices.
    Amy | http://amysbeautyjournal.blogspot.co.uk/

  22. Emma

    Personally I would never pay £36 for a lippy. I’d rather buy reasonably priced ones and be able to have a variety of colours without breaking the bank! I do own some high end lippies but to be honest most of my faves are drugstore anyway-like the l’oreal caresse, revlon lip butters, 17 mirror shine. I like that you can treat yourself to a few colours when boots have a 3 for 2 on a well and not feel bad!x

  23. Lulu

    Jane, I think I’ve been robbed! I wear Estee Lauder lipsticks and they were £23 over two years ago…I don’t know why the industry hasn’t come up with FAB cases for lipsticks that you can re-use so you just buy the stub of lipstick each time not the whole casing/box etc. – well I guess I do know really…marketing, sales etc.

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