Where All The Angry People Are

In the past couple of weeks, I’ve met a lot of angry people. I mean, we all get angry, but it’s disproportionate currently and mainly focussed around social media and how it’s playing out in beauty.

So, I’ve been thinking about how to capture the zeitgeist – how many of these features I write that never see the light of day because I don’t think I’ve quite got it – and I guess the best way might be to address the questions and statements I’ve heard – the points that are at the top of the beauty industry background conversations.

But Where Are The 40+ Bloggers?

Asked by a dear PR friend, frustrated and fed up that her brands aren’t getting the traction they feel they deserve. When I pointed out that they DO exist but aren’t necessarily receptive to old messaging (talking you down to sell you up) and you won’t find them on Snapchat either, she nodded in agreement. But the brands don’t want to listen. Anti-ageing brands want to keep on selling the same old, same old, based on how dreadful we look and our faces need fixing or curing in some way – they can’t envisage a ‘Glossier’ style future for stylish, amazing women who don’t want to perpetually stay in their 30’s. So, she keeps on being asked by brands stuck in the dark ages to find 40+ women who are on platforms inhabited by 20 year olds who will ‘sell’ their products to other 40+ women who aren’t on those platforms either.

But Zoella Does…

A massive misunderstanding by brands is that content creators are there to flog products. There are only a handful of ‘influencers’ in the UK that can really sell a product out on the back of a You Tube video or an Instagram post. The majority of the beauty influencers will sometimes give you a sales boost and sometimes won’t. I’ve heard stories of brands ordering extra stock because of a forthcoming post/vlog/gram and then selling more or less nothing. And they paid £20K for the privilege. The influencer led beauty ‘sell out’ is a myth borne of a few lucky circumstances, with only a handful of exceptions. Also bear in mind that a ‘sell out’ can happen when there’s hardly any stock – it still sounds mightily impressive but the numbers and the words don’t match. That said, any day of the week, print gurus, India Knight and Sali Hughes can sell a product out within the hour without ever having been anywhere near You Tube or Instagram.

But I Paid £20K…

When big brands switched up their thinking and decided to pay for ‘organic’ coverage with content creators, they did the industry the biggest disservice. They put paid to ‘honest’ posting while guaranteeing coverage that nobody believed in. A few great campaigns have seen a huge uplift in sales for products, but mostly it’s like standing in front of a darts board and hoping to hit the bullseye every time. It just doesn’t happen. But, by the time the spin has been put on, a few stats produced and a lot of back clapping has happened, it looks to other brands – and content creators AND consumers – that it’s a workable method. Only time will tell whether using bloggers as billboards will work long term. In the meantime, PRs are stuck telling their clients with no budget not to spend the little bit they have all on one ‘influencer’ who isn’t in their target market anyway. PRs spend all their time advising brands, no, don’t do this, and the brand says, but we want to anyway. And then of course, whose fault is it when the campaign doesn’t bring results? As a side note, spare a thought for the content creators, plucked from cyber obscurity to become an edgy and new ‘face’ only to reach the end of the brand’s conveyor belt and are never heard of again. That conveyor belt has never been running as fast as it is now.

But Nobody Wants To Hear From Older Women…

The industry as it was is growing up – what you tend to see on social is all the younger faces but not the army of older faces who keep the wheels turning. A conversation today with a very well-regarded and highly talented beauty writer revealed that she is thinking of giving it up, that nobody wants to hear what she has to say. They do, they do, they do! Expertise is something that everyone admires; advice is something most of us crave and god knows, a little encouragement is welcome any day of the week. She provides ALLLLLL of that. We’re very much more progressive in how we think of age: I keep seeing stylish, sassy older women with powerhouse energy levels and kick-ass shoes being dynamic and awesome every day. But they don’t feel relevant. Beauty brands want to sell to them or engage with them so that they’ll engage the brand with their readers/viewers but don’t know how to talk to them. So the women turn their backs and walk straight into Zara and spend that face cream money on an insanely lovely coat instead. Well done beauty brands.

But We Sent Them Free Products..

This rankles with everyone – the notion by brands that a free product means free exposure. Other content creators get angry because to them, it is a good exchange, brands get angry because bloggers are literally there to give them coverage, right? And people like me get angry because we didn’t ask for the product in the first place and we still get shirty emails from PRs under enormous pressure from brands because we didn’t choose to write about it. We’re not sweetie machines that you pop a penny into and get whole cup full of M&Ms! Consider sites or channels where there might be editorial integrity or decision making – that women with their own channels, regardless of age, can make decisions about what is and what is not right for their audience. That we don’t treat our audience as a panting gang of shoppers – we talk to them in a way that you cannot and sometime that means making decisions about what we want to say and how we wish to say it. I’ll pop some context around this. I use a particular beauty site – not often but occasionally – as a good place to buy certain products so when I provide a link sometimes it goes to site X. Checking on my affiliate sites (which give graphs to tell you how many people clicked, how many products were bought and how much money the site earned, as well as affiliate earnings) I spotted that over a few months I had sent approximately £5K in sales to that site. When I mentioned that perhaps we could look at doing some paid for posts, they were literally outraged; shocked even, that I’d asked. My affiliate earnings on that amount were roughly £200-300. I very rarely point any links to that site now. It’s about being respectful of each other I think – harmonious working only comes from that.

But There’s No Place For PR Now..  

This is SO not true! There is more longing for (good) PRs than there has ever been. Brands are on a side track right now where they’ve devalued PR in favour of marketing forgetting that popularity of beauty is where it is now thanks to the people skills of PRs, not thanks to the marketing departments who swooped in at the last moment to take the winner’s cup. It makes little sense to outreach in the way it’s being done now and it is so ineffective for huge swathes of content creators that I can’t believe it won’t switch back. Many of the PRs I meet feel worn down by not being able to do the jobs they’re qualified to do and skilled at doing. Equally, many PRs I meet now think that good PR is putting a product in an envelope with no release, price or context and posting it in a letter box. It’s another example of how brands have forgotten how to speak to us.

I could go on, and on and on. I haven’t even covered the readers/viewers that feel over it and swamped with beauty information in a noisy, hysterical chain of glossy, affiliate linked, buy-me shouting (advent calendars, anyone?) and just frankly exhausted by the never ending deluge of new beauty products. Not touched on the content creators who think it’s okay to tell everyone they neeeeeed everything when nobody neeeeeds it, not really. The lack of tempering, of balance, of realising it’s only mascara and the world won’t stop if 300 lipsticks don’t fall out of your make up bag when you open it and about how too much isn’t seducing, it’s sedating.





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30 responses to “Where All The Angry People Are”

  1. donna

    Thank you Jane. Brilliant article.

  2. Amen! I find myself absolutely overwhelmed at the intimidating number of launches – I’m almost dreading the run up to Christmas, and I really hate the advent calendar trend… they’re still a blinking fortune!

  3. Avra

    So spot on! Jane you always get it right.

  4. What a fabulous rant Jane, I love it. As a 40-something beauty blogger myself who reads a lot of other 40-something blogs, I have come to appreciate how much we march to our own beat. In some ways this is forced upon us because so many big brands and PRs have little interest in us. But mostly it’s because we are grown up, independent women, who know what we like and aren’t fooled by marketing flannel.

    So what you get with 40-something bloggers is very eclectic and individual content. We might have small audiences, but what we do is memorable, and therefore our audiences are more engaged. Bland and predictable we definitely aren’t. Brands who ignore us are missing out big style, but it’s their loss.

    1. arun

      Jane you made it. That’s a amazing article. Keep going..

  5. Lizzie

    Hear, hear. These posts are great, and ring so true.

  6. Catherine

    Everything you said!! I am always happy to click on your affiliate link as 99% of the time I would never have known about that item’s existence without reading your blog. Plus why shouldn’t you be paid for all your hard work? Even if as you say it’s a blimmin’ pittance you get in return. Outrageous by the way. That site should be ashamed!

    1. Jane

      I agree they should be ashamed but the point is they aren’t – they think it’s my duty to promote them!

  7. Yes. Yes yes yes.

  8. Sharon

    Not much to add to the discussion other than the last two products I bought have been as a direct result of your reviews, the pear hand cream from Provence that i bought online without trying and the Dior pump mascara and it’s hard to try a mascara before you buy. I bought them because I totally trust your opinion after years of reading your blog. There’s no BS, you know your stuff and your audience and if brands/PR can’t tell that then it says a lot about them.

    I have cut down the number of YouTubers and blogs I read/watch as I think there are only a few who really speak to me as a 38 year old woman who has money to spend but doesn’t want to apply makeup with a trowel or buy the latest foundation that has obviously been sent to everyone. I can think of a new one from a huge makeup brand in the UK that I’m seeing everyone gave about on Instagram etc but no one is really giving it a proper review but rather “raving” about it. No thanks.

    1. Jane

      thanks Sharon so much.. did you love the hand cream? I like mine so much!

      1. Sharon

        Yes. It was strange at first cos it smells sooo much like a pear, but I love it. I’ve bought it for my veggie friend for Xmas. It’s hard to find her new lovely beauty treats that are vegetarian.

        1. Jane

          I’ve never found anything so ‘peary’!

  9. Great post Jane, it’s been a interesting industry to watch develop. I totally agree that good PRs are still needed, but the industry needs to see that marketing, digital, PR and sales need to be more aligned. We’ve had so many experiences where clients think that social media alone will make them popular, it’s far more complicated than that. I also don’t understand why brands hire agencies (who are supposed to be experts in their fields) only to not take the advise that is given, I’ve seen this happen so many times and the client isn’t always right.

  10. Kerry

    Jane, you are literally the only beauty blogger I read now and I have been with you for years! I’m not 40 yet but I’m not interested in finding anyone else’s opinion when yours has always been honest and proved to be spot on. I get overwhelmed by all the new launches and it is very, very rare that I even buy anything now that you haven’t talked about. I wish you would ( I know you wont) name and shame the website who scoffed at your suggestion of some paid work as I’d love to know none of my money was going to them! Ungrateful sods!!


    1. Jane

      Ah thank you so much Kerry! One of the things I CAN do re that site is ensure that as few links go their way as possible. Ultimately though my priority is to give a good service for BBB readers so if it’s the best link (i.e. the best price or the only stockist) it has to be used – damn it!! Thanks so much for sticking with me – so appreciated and makes me realise how lucky I am!

  11. As a fellow 40+ blogger I rarely mention my age for the very reasons you mention… it is not my main goal in life to look younger and much as I love great skincare & products that improve how I look, I love all the gorgeous make up etc even more. I would be horrified if bloggers of a similar age suddenly disappeared because OF COURSE I’m going to trust the opinions of you, Caroline et al when it comes to certain products because I know you can relate – and that’s what the beauty of blogging is all about surely? Real women finding another real woman who can relate to their own needs.

    Lots of food for thought here, thank you for opening up about your thoughts and keeping it real Jane x

  12. Thank you for writing this Jane! It’s so useful, as a blogger, to read such an honest and intelligent take on the industry. We can only hope more brands, PRs, marketing execs, and other content creators read this, and maybe we might start seeing some realistic conversations about how this industry can work effectively for everyone involved.

  13. I’ve read your blog every single day for years now and this is one of the reasons why! You offer such thought provoking insight on what’s going on in the beauty world and also the online beauty influenced community, and I just find it so relevant and so spot on every time. I literally nod along and wonder why brands aren’t taking on your feedback when it makes such sense. Keep doing what you do Jane!! Xoxo

    1. Jane

      Thank you so much.. it’s really appreciated to get such lovely feedback x

  14. Christina

    Excellent post, Jane. I’m one of your younger readers, but I love coming here for the honest, descriptive, and well thought-out posts. I’m so overwhelmed with all the releases lately that it’s turning me away from the beauty industry in general, and I used to collect everything! It seems like there is a new product every other day. What’s worse is that some of the skincare lines I used to respect and love have catered completely to social media hype (Glamglow glitter masks, anyone?) that they’re losing credibility in my eyes. I don’t want skincare that twinkles when I put it on; I want skincare that is effective and will help keep my skin healthy and fresh looking.

    I do miss all the quality bloggers I used to read, but with instagram and snapchat, they’re blogging less and less and just posting quick snaps. It’ll be interesting to see how long this continues, and I’m just hoping that this wave will die down soon.

    1. Jane

      Thanks Christina.. I understand what you say about being overwhelmed.. I think a lot of people are : I can see a time when it’s really only a core of ‘influencers’ that could care less about products! And that would defeat the point of influence!

  15. A lot of people blog but very few are trusted and listened to and you are one of the few whom I really listen to.
    When you write like this you are at your most honest and finest and I love your insights into the beauty world and value your opinion!

    1. Jane

      Thank you so much Nicola x

  16. Trimperley

    Would love to see a post with some of the features that don’t make it or on the rejects or failures from time to time.

    Do the brands not realise that by the time you get to 40+ the snake oil radar is finely tuned. Fewer better products are the way forward.

    I think the 24hr on the go society is making everyone angry because there is no way to switch off. We need more bank holidays.

    I wouldn’t miss a daily dose of your excellent blog.

    1. Jane

      I’m just mindful when setting off on a ‘rant’ to ensure it’s not just me that’s livid and using the blog as an outlet but that it’s something pertinent to the beauty industry or blogging as a whole… often, when I review it in the morning, the features don’t make it because they’re more letting off steam than anything. Thanks though for your kind words.. it’s so lovely to have encouragement and YES to more bank holidays – is one a week too much to ask?

    2. Jane

      Also though, I DO try and keep on it with things that don’t work or aren’t quite up to the job but it’s very difficult with skin care: I don’t trial many of the big claimers because they require long periods of time – which knocks out trialling anything else for a long period of time. Plus I pile through cleansers and face masks so I can never be 100% sure if they skew results. But I am trying an Illuminage face device that’s looking pretty good and a Shiseido moisturiser that as yet, hasn’t changed my life!

  17. Jane – I met you in my 20s, had the pleasure of working with you in my 30s and now have the honour of being able to strategically dissect and plan with you in my 40s!

    You have very aptly summarised exactly what I was discussing with someone yesterday during some press meetings. I do sometimes despair – but I believe those of us with a wealth of experience – have exactly that – experience, knowledge and industry instinct. And some of the new young talent – exactly that fresh eyes and enthusiasm and an ability to effortlessly transform and convey in the new ‘insta’ world we live in!!!

  18. Catinthehat

    “I could go on, and on and on”

    Do go on then, I’m listening and I can’t be the only one.
    I’ll add the foaming rage of a young person I know, who resents the boxes of expensive freebies for bloggers and sees that as adding to the retail price she can’t afford

  19. Clbnolan

    Great piece Jane!
    It’s hard to credit that such big industries with all their expertise can get their punters so wrong.
    There should be a consumer campaign demanding they speak through relevant channels not 17 year old faces.

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