I have a very cheeky little bird friend that sits in the Forsythia bush outside the window of the room that I work in… he (or she) seems determined to get inside the house and pecks away at the glass. The way the room is constructed means that on a sunny day, his activities are cast in shadow on the opposite wall – so in a way, he has got his wish. He’s very cute in any case and so put me in the mood to look for all things birdy. So, first up is this Warehouse dress which looks like it would be great for work but with a little bit of individuality rather than generic flowers. It’s £36 HERE

Next up is the Oasis bird print top – I love this blue! It’s £38 HERE. It also comes in a sweatshirt version HERE and is perfect for adding a bright element to your spring wardrobe.

This is the one I’m obsessed with – I love the bright splashes of colour on a neutral background from Avoca – it’s the most expensive at £124 HERE but it’s all kinds of lovely.
Since I’ve just laid down some grass seed which currently my little friend and all of his little friends are treating like a free ticket to The Ivy, I don’t expect I’ll be in a birdy mood for long!
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