The View From My Comments File

Every blogger loves getting feedback and comments from blog readers – it’s one of the key things that encourages us to keep going! Whether it is positive, negative or somewhere in the middle, engagement is good. Over the past year though, my Anon comments from a company called Maximum Lash are actually starting to drive me crazy. I’ve emailed the company and asked them to stop doing it – they’ve never responded – and while it is just a question of pressing the delete button, these stupid comments come in at a rate of maybe 25 a week or more. I cannot understand what they are hoping to achieve…yes, they’ve made me notice the brand name but not in a good way. There is no way in the world I would ever recommend, trial or write a review on this relentlessly persistent brand, and that’s purely because they’ve been relentlessly persistent! It’s just insult to injury that they are written in such a way that they hope to sound like a natural and enthusiastic comment: am I really to think, ‘wow, all these positive and ‘genuine’ comments on Maximum Lash must mean it’s *really* good’? Quite the opposite actually, if you need to plug that hard then it’s probably not very good – an excellent product doesn’t need to resort to blasting the blogs with fake comments. Anyway, here’s how not to make a blogger take notice of your product:

With my great looks, no man can ever say no. Big thanks to Maximumlash for turning me into a confident and a beautiful lady.

By Anonymous on Revitalash Review on 12/1/10

This is the product the I’ve been waiting for. It made me look gorgeous with my fuller and darker lashes. I finally found it and i’ll never ever switch. Thanks Maximumlash!

By Anonymous on Revitalash Review on 12/1/10

Well, I couldn’t agree more with regard to Maximumlash. It just made me more beautiful because of my stunning lashes. I think I can glamour anybody with my looks!

By Anonymous on Revitalash Review on 12/1/10

Wow, Maximumlash is just an amazing product. A lot of girls are switching to Maximumlash and I’m actually one of them. Can’t wait to have luxurious lashes!

By Anonymous on Revitalash Review on 12/1/10

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8 responses to “The View From My Comments File”

  1. Naming the product so ostentatiously is a bit of a giveaway. Don’t touch with barge-pole!

  2. Georgina

    Ha! I’m so glad that you published sample comments – they are ridiculous. I do hope that they stop pestering you though. Can you block their comments so that you don’t have to deal with them?

  3. Hell Candy Make Up

    These spammers have recently been targeting my blog too. Driving me crazy with their ridiculous fake conversations they like the create on my blog. I never approve them either.

    I don’t in any way understand the logic behind such stupid tactics as it reduces your product to nothing more than transparent lies. Any brand that feels the need to spam like this is a brand I don’t trust. Period.

    Having said that I did vent about a different eyelash company, no names mentioned, but they emailed me and said sorry and said they were trying to find out who was doing it. What got me confused was that I never mentioned the brand in my rant post yet they still knew it was them. Suspicious no? 😉

  4. Funnily enough, when you Google ‘Maximum Lash’, your previous post “Stop Spamming Me, Maximum Lash” comes up in the top 5 results. So anyone looking for info about the product or company beyond what’s on their own website is going to realise they’re a bit dodgy. I’d actually be quite amused by their apparent lack of marketing skills here, except I feel bad that they’re such an utter nuisance to people like you 🙁

  5. I know these are a headache for you but I’m laughing, sorry:) It’s just that they sound exactly like all the spam you get for dubious pills and erm… companionship services (trying to avoid words which would attract more spam). You have to wonder which clown is in charge of this brand, or if it even is a brand… it just sounds so much like the pill emails!

  6. Tracey

    They sound like a maximumpainintherear!

    There should be a way to prevent this kind of nuisance posting – hope ‘Anonymous’ gets the hint!

  7. Plus Size Shopaholic

    Ugh, how desperate! They are a seriously misguided company if they think anyone in their right mind would buy their product. Just on your experiences alone I’d never touch them with a bargepole!

    It surprised me recently to have someone from the nail industry comment on my blog, because virtually no one reads me. It seems companies trawl the web so they can give themselves free publicity – and in this case – BAD publicity.

  8. Beauty Scribbler

    Argh I hate these kinds of spam comments! How stupid do they think we are??

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