I received this Anon comment yesterday regarding Victoria Jackson and thought I’d publish it on the main page because it is the first time I’ve had a comment leaping to VJ’s defence. I think there is a good lesson here about how blogs really do give the best feed back that companies could ever hope to get, and since there have been nothing but negative comments regarding VJ other than this one maybe they need to listen up and realise that their approach alienates their potential clientelle.
“I work for CSK Glasgow, it’s not a scam in the slightest. We aren’t trained to lie, we don’t do a pitch from a script, we do the research and we say what we feel is appropriate. If somebody says something that is incorrect then that’s that one person, not the entire team. The goods are genuine, look on the bottom of the packaging, it will tell you there. If it were a scam do you not think that the company would have been shut down a long time ago? People walking by assume too much by thinking you get it for free, it is good make up. Not to everybody’s taste but most of the people I know that use it love it! We also get returning customers who want to buy more because they think its fantastic!
SO for all you who think its a scam, think again. KNOW A BARGAIN WHEN YOU SEE ONE! We are honest about the survival kit, it really is worth 59.99, but we only do it for 29.99. AND your getting loads of genuine freebies with that promotion. SO tell me how that makes CSK a company that scams people?”
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