Vending Pending

This beauty vending machine, U*Tique, is one of the most exciting things I’ve seen for a long time (maybe I should get out more…). Featuring top of the range brands for instant gratification, not only does it dispense your chosen product, but also gives ingredient lists, brand profiles and video demonstrations at the touch of a button. It makes it’s debut at Fred Segal in LA, which is probably just as well because I can see it being as addictive as a slot machine.

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4 responses to “Vending Pending”

  1. Jessica Gearhart

    How cool. Love it. Why not… you can get everything else in a vending machine. I’m linking to this post.

  2. Anonymous

    Its a great concept and it looks amazing…but really not sure why anyone would want to purchase a beauty product from a vending machine? Surely you can get instant gratification from the beauty counter and a nice bag to go with!! Think this is a daft idea..especially in a store that aready has an awesome beauty department…might make more sense at a railway station. Although I would still prefer a Kit Kat!

  3. This comment really made me laugh so thank you for sending it; I get what you mean about no nice bag but some people will go to any lengths to avoid the counter experience – hence the upsurge in on-line beauty stores. And if you put to me the choice of a kit-kat or a face mask, I would also probably go for the kit-kat! BBBX

  4. This is very cool, hope they arrive in England soon!

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