Urban Decay Primer Potion In A Tube

I spotted this newbie from Urban Decay over at Sephora – same formula as the wand version of Primer Potion but in a squeezy tube. I quite like this idea as you’d be able to apply it with a brush of your choice and not that bendy-wandy thing that we have currently. Obviously, its US only just now, but fear not – we’ll get it (in about 2015 probably).

NB: have just heard this launches here in June.

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6 responses to “Urban Decay Primer Potion In A Tube”

  1. They’ve listened! Finally!!!!

  2. TINGkabelle CHAN ♥

    AT LAST! no more cutting them open to get to the last bits.

  3. AKB

    Finally! Everything that can possibly come in a tube, should come in a tube. Great find! Thanks for the info, as always. XO

  4. Finally! I was considering repurchasing my Too Faced Shadow Insurance for this reason alone, they shoulda done this ages ago 🙂

  5. esteeem

    inside info.. its apparently coming around july time.. shh!!


  6. Vicky

    It looks like it will be in a bigger size than before, and therefore more expensive. I wonder how it will compare weight for weight with TFSI

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