Urban Decay Naked Palette

Be still, my beating heart! The Naked Palette is as if someone actually made me a bespoke palette. It’s got all the colours I wear on a regular basis and more besides. At £27 (from October in Debenhams), it seems to be extremely good value for money – that’s a whole lot of making up for under thirty quid. It’s totally on my wish list.

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23 responses to “Urban Decay Naked Palette”

  1. VexintheCity

    …and mine. This baby’s coming home with me!

  2. TINGkabelle CHAN ♥

    OMG I WANT!!! >.<
    October??? 🙁 I was hoping it’d be September *sighs*

  3. Kelly

    I’ve been so excited for this palette ever since I saw Urban Decay tweet about it. I’m not one to wish my life away but I can’t wait for October so I can get one of these babies!

    Kelly x

  4. Melissa W.

    This is my perfect palette also. So beautiful. 🙂

  5. StellieStellina

    I’ve been trying to find out when this was available, but October?! So far away…sigh…x

  6. And I was wondering when it will be available in the UK. I want this palette, too 🙂 Thanks for thr info x

  7. Ditzymakeup

    Is October here already?!?!?!!?

  8. Jo

    *drools* this palette so has Jo written all over it. Never have I lusted over a product as much as Im lusting over this. October though 🙁 thats a killer!


  9. Onyx

    Want, want, want! These colours look perfect. xXx

  10. helen1980

    I was wondering when this was going to come out in the UK. I’ve been very envious of the US bloggers and youtubers showing theirs off.

  11. Another item to add to my wishlist… x

  12. Beautyjunkielondon

    This will be mine. I’ve been trying to find out if this is permanent or a limited edition – do you know?

  13. Sarah

    Oh baby. October is my birthday month as well. Love Urban Decay palettes and this looks particularly special. Definitely on the wish list!

  14. City Muse

    Hello from across the pond. I got my hands on this beauty just last week (it’s been selling out everywhere over here)and all I can say is: believe the hype. This is the most gorgeous Urban Decay palette. Ever. All the colors, which come in different finishes, are buttery smooth and totally wearable. Thank goodness it’s part of the permanent line, because I will be buying this palette again and again.

  15. I totally agree- these are all colours that I would wear! Definitely on my wishlist x

  16. This is the first UD palette I actually feel the need to purchase. Because I know I’ll use it, and it’s not entirely gimmick based!

  17. Emily

    The more I see this palette, the more I want it!

  18. Awww man…October!! At least hopefully I’ll have some money by then so I guess it’s a good thing that I have to wait.

    I was planning on getting my sister this for christmas…or maybe I’ll just get it for me! Hmmmm! we will see! lol

  19. maria

    hi, i contacted urban decay’s corporate department and the naked palette will be available from september 3rd, at £27. i didn’t ask but i’m assuming it will be sold where urban decay is usually sold in the UK – debenhams, house of fraser and boots.

  20. mythology20

    can’t wait to get this 🙂

    love your blog,


  21. Lexi

    This is now available from House of Fraser online – just had to purchase it!!

  22. Natalie

    I’ve just found this today in Debenhams in bristol!

  23. Anonymous

    Hi do you have any idea if or when the naked palette will be available again have been trying for few months debs and boots out of stock I’m from Glasgow pls help

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