When Urban Decay say they’re making an ultra soft textured blush, they really mean it. The new Urban Decay Afterglow Blush is like a stroke of velvet on the skin. It’s a very good example of how not all powder blushes are created equal and it’s something for more premium brands to take note of. All blush should feel like this!
I’ve pulled out what I think are the three most versatile shades from a selection of 12 available shades. From left to right: Score, Crush and Kinky. Score has got golden pinky/bronze tones but without a shed load of shimmer, while Crush has all the initial bright splash of the recent Dolce Gabanna Rasberry but without the neon backwash. Kinky is handy for bronzing or warming your skin tone.
Urban Decay Afterglow BlushUrban Decay Afterglow Blush has an 8 hour last claim on it – I haven’t had it on for the full 8, but I will say that it’s staying very well. I’m a terrible face toucher, so nothing lasts the course on me so even on an 8 hour claim I wouldn’t expect anything to stick around! I’m totally a creme blush fan but because of the creamy and velvety nature of these powders, I’d easily convert. I’ve loved all the recent Urban Decay launches but I have to say these blushes have impressed me the most.
There are light diffusing pigments in each blush so they will give a little bit of natural highlighting. The Urban Decay Afterglow Blush singles are £19 each launching at the end of the month.
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