Tom Ford Deluxe 12 Piece Brush Set

Tom Ford 12 Piece Deluxe Brush Set
Tom Ford 12 Piece Deluxe Brush Set

I’m all for a bit of luxury beauty, but £650 for 12 brushes? My eyes nearly fell out of my head! As well as the Portfolio case you get a Shade And Illuminate Brush, Cream Foundation Brush, Foundation Brush, Eyeliner and Definer Brush, Lip Brush, Bronzer Brush, Cheek Brush, Eye Shadow Contour Brush, Eye Shadow Brush, Smokey Eye Brush, Shadow Concealer Brush, and Eye Shadow Blend Brush.

With two luxury sites both claiming exclusivity on this (rendering the exclusive tag null and void by the way) I’m just sitting with my mind boggling at how they can possibly be worth that. I’d give my eye teeth to get into the factory and see production price on these. I’m not even linking.

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14 responses to “Tom Ford Deluxe 12 Piece Brush Set”

  1. Those are some pricey brushes. Maybe they are gold-plated?????

    Random things and Strange whims

  2. bellyhead

    Hey, they’ve brought this back! I wonder if it will be back out in the US. You would think Tom Ford would offer some sort of a discount on buying all these brushes, but basically you get the case for free. I think I have/had all these brushes at one time. They are really good brushes, but I recommend buying them one at a time so you get to determine which ones you like or not. For example, the Shade & Illuminate brush is ick. ICK!

  3. Helen

    They are made by Hakuhodo so you can pick up the exact same brushes for much cheaper if you forget the branding.

  4. Eileen

    The brushes are beautifully weighted and crafted, the hair is hand shaped (not cut into shape as is commonly done), and only top quality goat hair (not all hair is of the same grade) is used. They are manufactured for Tom Ford by one of Japan’s premier award winning brush manufactures–Hakuhodo. Not everyone appreciates fine brushes, but those people who are aficionados are well aware of what makes the TF brushes superior in terms of quality of materials, workmanship, and effectiveness when it comes to makeup application. Not all brushes are created equal, and once a person has become accustomed to really fine high end brushes, there is no going back. Admittedly, these are at the top of Hakuhodo’s price line and are another TF splurge, but for people who love good brushes and have the money to spend on them, they are well worth checking out. And, you don’t need to buy a set. All TF brushes are sold individually.

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Well, you’ve hit the nail on the head about brush afficionados.. I’m not a brush geek but have recently become more interested in them after the Wayne Goss brushes which have genuinely changed my make-up life! So finally, finally I am starting to get it about quality brushes but I find £650 a scary price for a set, and it was the set, rather than the individual brushes I was commenting on. x

    2. Lesley

      At this price I’d hope to get the goat itself thrown in along with a year’s supply of hay or whatever goats eat!

      1. Tiffany

        Lol……at that price I’d expect Tom Ford to put my make up on for me 🙂

  5. HOLY CRAP!!! I saw the brushes and was like WOW..I WANT. Then I saw the price and I was totally turned off!!! Damn!!!

  6. Ruth

    I had cartoon eyes- they popped out of my head with the “iiiooooga” sound

  7. Um that price is a a little too ridiculous for 12 brushes

  8. That’s ridiculous! I’d never pay that, I was expecting at least 50 brushes or something hah

  9. Ali

    Does Mr Ford hand deliver them? I appreciate Eileen’s explanation, but damn.

  10. Tubbs

    Whilst I’m sure they are the finest quality, best in show brushes on the market – and I’d expect nothing less from the TF line – that’s a family holiday!!! Ain’t going to happen!!!!

  11. I absolutely adore these brushes, like a previous poster, I buy them individually as and when my existing brushes die. Definitely worth the price, just a huge investment to buy them all in one go!

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