Hmm, not sure where to begin with the Tok Tok micro needle device that ‘delivers anti-ageing solutions directly into the skin’s deep layers.’ It’s actually FDA approved and is thinner than a human hair which should mean that treatment is pretty much pain free. Ubiomed who make Tok Tok also have an EGF serum and a Platinum serum, both of which are designed to be used with the Tok Tok.
I honestly can’t say that I think this is a bad idea – if it is as foolproof as it claims to be then you can save a fortune on not going to get a non-surgical cosmetician to do it for you even though a kit of eight syringes is £189.99. On the other hand, I just don’t quite like the thought of anyone and everyone being able to inject their own face – even with micro fine needles. Like, you probably shouldn’t do it after a sherry or two; something you wouldn’t have to worry about at a clinic (and if you do, run for the hills!).
Home beauty treatments are always going to be pushed to new boundaries – who knew, for example, we’d be lasering our own faces and hair? What do you think about this?
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