It’s exactly two months today that the Japanese Cleansing Cloud launched onto Victoria Health and unbelievably the retailer has given it The Gorgeous Product Of The Year award. Wow! Gill at VH says, “To bring a product to market is daunting and brave for so many different reasons and I am talking here about niche brands and products. The competition is fierce, but notwithstanding that if you truly, truly believe, then dreams do come true.”

I absolutely know how lucky I am to have found a retailer who has been beyond supportive – Gill is the best sort. She understands start-ups, is intuitive about markets and fully commits. We have been beset with problems – a lot COVID related… raw ingredient supplies, reduced workforces and stringent distancing as well as selling out so quickly (the best sort of problem I guess) and there being little flex in the manufacturer’s supply ability. In fact, there are no more to be had now until next year.
I’ve had the most lovely, kind and generous feedback on the Cloud – people have bought in bulk to send to friends as a cheer up, some have found it’s gentle enough to use on problematic skin and others are just pleased to have a one-bar do-it-all on a mission to cut down on products. So many social media friends were on stand-by to show off their Clouds and I had to ask them not to because of supply, others, before we ran short were wonderfully supportive – thank you one and all. The Cloud had three press appearances – The Guardian (thank you Sali), The Telegraph (thank you Lisa) and Warpaint (thank you Emma) which is almost unbelievable really.
So, next year, the Cloud will be back but I am not rushing anything … it may still come and go, there is no Plan B and I think the key to keeping all the good karma around it is to let things happen as they will. Imagine having a retailer who understands that. So, the biggest of all thank you praises to Gill at Victoria Health for her patience, generosity and good humour and of course, to everyone who supported so graciously whether through purchasing or featuring. I do know my luck and I’m grateful every single day.
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