This has already been covered quite extensively across the blogosphere, so I’ll keep it brief, but as someone who doesn’t like honey, it’s quite a revelation. It’s the lightest, prettiest smell ever with only the very tiniest hint of honey right in the depths. So, even if you aren’t a honey fan the chances are you’ll like this.
So much goes on behind the scenes at The Body Shop and its not til you see it up close that you realise just how much this brand puts back into the world. The honey is sourced from Ethiopia – if you’re thinking dry desert, like I was, think again, because there are vast regions of rainforest. The honey is collected by bee keepers who often have no other income whatsoever – there just aren’t that many commerce opportunities in the heart of the rain forest – and of course, it’s fairly traded, so they get a proper price for their wares.
In turn, what this means is that education can be paid for, houses can be built, and children can be adequately provided for. It also means that the rain forest, instead of being sold off as land, can be preserved because its paying its way.
When I say I don’t like honey, I mean I don’t like the taste.. right now though I am loving every other aspect of honey and thankfully, Honeymania doesn’t need eating! There are lots of products in the range but so far my favourite is the Body Butter and the lovely hexagon soap. It launches here in the UK on 19th September.
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