I love Bio-Oil’s Facebook campaign – The Big Thank You. In fact, it’s one of the loveliest I’ve seen because it focusses on saying thank you to inspirational people who otherwise don’t get recognised. I think it’s easy to forget that there are so many kindnesses in everyday life that go unheard of, so anything that highlights those is heart-warming.

The Bio-Oil board is not only all the small things that mean so much to one person, such as finding a purse or returning a beloved cuddly toy to a child, but also thanking people for their support and love. Thinking of kindnesses done to me, I’ll be eternally grateful to the lady who rescued my dropped mobile phone and took it home with her for safe-keeping until I could go and collect it. It just makes you remember that despite everything, simple humanity is what makes the world go round and that it isn’t an uncommon thing. Kind people are everywhere – we just don’t always know about them. Until 20th November, Bio-Oil will pick a specific Thank You story and send a beautiful bunch of flowers (and a bottle of Bio-Oil) to the person you nominate. And the Wall of Thank You’s is something to read with a cup of tea and just simply enjoy, and it might inspire you to send a Thank You to someone you know.
Big heart for the simplicity of this campaign that holds so much happy sentiment. Visit their Facebook page HERE.
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