Thank You Croud!


I have to say a very big thank you to Croud, who helped sort out the utter disaster that was BBB when it broke last year. The move across to WordPress has been sooooo painful for me because I am not a fast learner and do not like change, and we are still ironing out teething problems to this day, but I can hand-on-heart say that I could not have been better looked after.

It’s not cheap by any means (especially when things are as broken as BBB was) and it was a gigantic task to sort out the internal issues before moving to WordPress from Blogger. I am the least techie person in the whole world and holding my virtual hand through the process was Ben, who is the most patient man I think I have ever met. He answered my emails at midnight, calmed the storms (and I mean outright histrionics!) and just kept on explaining til I finally got it. It’s completely to his credit (and to my shame) that he kept on going when I had a major stressy strop and refused to speak to him and made my daughter speak to him instead. Could someone give that man a pay rise and some kind of medal.

Croud is a digital marketing agency and experts in PPC, SEO and Social and have far bigger fish to fry than my blog, so it’s commendable that I feel I have had the same attention as any major client would have. I cannot recommend highly enough.  Find them HERE

Thanks guys.. 🙂


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2 responses to “Thank You Croud!”

  1. Caroline

    Love that you had a massive strop! Makes me feel better about my tantrums!

    Also love that you always give credit where credit is due. Your writing always feels from the heart and that’s why I read your blog every day.

  2. Helen Gray

    I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve chuck the wireless mouse across the sofa in a hulk rage over blogging. Glad it’s all finally get there you for you

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