I love that Templespa has gone all moody for gifting. I know I won’t be able to help adding a jewel or two to this box if I gift it out (maybe some little red berries on the tree or something), but it contains my favourite Templespa product – Repose Cream. I hated the last product the Templespa came up with (Velvelutto) but really like this offering as something very chic that doesn’t look like Santa threw up on it.

Inside the Templespa Relaxation Room box, you get a relaxation DVD with chill out music, a jar of Repose cream and… wait for it.. an eye ‘duvet’. An eye duvet. Who knew? The purpose of the duvet is to block light so you can drift off into a power nap with your relaxing music and a hop and jojoba fuelled Repose cream. The duvet is filled with lavender and flax seeds and is designed to hit key accupressure points. I’m not sure what you’re supposed to do if you don’t sleep on your back – that duvet ain’t staying if you don’t. I guess it’s a concept straight from the therapy rooms; in a therapy situation you don’t curl up and sleep on your side, and that’s what this box is about really. A moment or two entirely to yourself.
With the stillness of the packaging and the mindfulness of the contents, if you’re up for drifting off for half an hour, this seems a lovely way to arm yourself with the ability to do it. I’m always up for anything that even gives a mental switch off signal… let’s face it, we don’t do it enough.. sometimes you need the kit to make the action. Anyway, Repose Cream is more Downton than Downton itself; go on.. repose. Just repose! Lady Mary would. The Templespa Relaxation Room is £50 HERE.
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