Tangle Angel

I’m not sure anyone could call the Tangle Angel a thing of beauty, but it does tick the box in detangling knotty hair. My hair isn’t particularly knotty these days but dry hair always takes a bit more working through I think, and this does the job effectively, leaving my hair sleek and shiny. 

I notice that it is ‘antibacterial’ and I think that is a major buzz word we’ll be hearing from the haircare world from now on. However, germ laden hair is never something I’ve worried about – or even thought about much for that matter – but if the beauty industry is good at one thing, it’s dropping a fear into our subconscious! For our general living standards, a hair product being antibacterial is pretty much neither here nor there. 

The Tangle Angel is £14.99 HERE if you’re constantly struggling with knots – actually, it’s good for kids too who cannot stand having their hair brushed. 

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8 responses to “Tangle Angel”

  1. Jayne

    Love my Tangle Teezer, I rarely use any other brush now. So pleased they’ve brought one out that has a handle, looks more like a brush and less like a horse groomer!

  2. Looks more like a tool for the evil queen.

  3. Susie

    Oh dear! clicked on the link and saw an image of the back of the brush! I thought the name ‘angel’ was just to connote its hair saviour abilities! but no! horrific angel shapes wings on the back! I will stick to my trusty tangle teezer as well.

    Btw, BBB, I saw the advert for Garnier Olia on Youtube. Very nice!!

  4. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!! I’m hoping that sufficiently expresses my frustration!! I don’t use a hairbrush, don’t need it as my hair is somewhere between 2 and 3 inches long but you don’t need an anti-bacterial hairbrush.

    In fact you don’t need anti-bacterial anything. The over-reliance that we now have on anti-bacterial products adds to the proliferation of the so-called “superbugs” such as MRSA which are resistant to antibiotics and much more likely to kill.

    You are much better off cleaning with natural products or using a steam cleaner. Better for your health and infinitely better for the environment.

  5. Luxe.

    I can’t say Ive ever thought about germy hair but anything that gets the tangles out of very long hair is good in my book!x


  6. casey23

    Hi!! I am so sorry this question is a bit unrelated (not a bit, a lot!!) Next month my cousin will be coming to London and can you recommend anywhere where they are selling Tarte cosmetics?!

  7. Casey, I am pretty sure Tarte is US only x

  8. Anonymous

    I think the anti-bacterial is for the scalp flakes and hair that deposits on the brush after being used for a while, rather than for the hair on your head.

    I would assume it is important to clean brushes – my mom does that. I don’t use a brush (curly hair, so wash, comb and scrunch) so I don’t know.

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