If I remember correctly, Stiks were invented in part to stop that pocket bulk that spherical lipsticks cause thus ruining the line of your jeans. It’s just a small detail but they do actually look barely there because of their shape.
There are three new shades from Sticks – Fuchsia, Rose and Naked; no guesses which is which but I have a swatch below. Both Rose and Naked are lighter pigment so if you love a natural look, they’re spot on. The formula isn’t particularly sheeny and neither is it matte – the nearest I can liken it to is a lip balm formula. There’s plenty of pigment in Fuchsia which is a very pretty pink.

In the swatch (just noticed there is a horrible black streak on my arm from where I was swatching the new Lancome palette – sorry!) it’s Naked, Rose and Fuchsia from bottom to top. Beauty Mart stocks Stiks (HERE) but the new shades aren’t there yet.
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