St Tropez in Shower Gradual Tan

St Tropez In Shower Gradual Tan
St Tropez In Shower Gradual Tan

Hang on.. an in-shower self tan? Hmm.. not quite, as it turns out. I have to say I was thinking more along the lines of the Nivea In Shower Moisturiser for this new innovation from St Tropez, but it’s not quite so simple. Basically, what St Tropez In Shower Gradual Tan boils down to is a self tan that you apply to damp skin. So, at the point that you’ve showered, you need to remove yourself from the water flow to apply the product and wait three minutes before showering off.

One of my bug-bears with hair conditioners is the whole in-out-in shower thing – and this is the same. Except, a gradual tan from a shower cream seems enough of a novelty that it’s not quite such a chore. It’s a very light gradual tan, too – I haven’t tested it yet – but it’s formulated for the self-tan-scared so that you’re very much in control of how quickly or slowly you build up. St Tropez colour, in general, is always very natural looking so I feel we are on safe ground here. Obviously, I’m going to give it a try – maybe download some three minute songs to pass the time.. or brush my teeth. Or something. Suggestions welcome.

The St Tropez In Shower Gradual Tan has already launched onto Boots HERE for £14.50. Oh, and if you’re wondering about the scent.. it’s a kind of fruity floral. Don’t forget to wash the palms of your hands with soap after application.

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12 responses to “St Tropez in Shower Gradual Tan”

  1. Heat the bathroom first, it’s a bit of a chilly three minutes- that’s my top tip.

  2. I tried it and was surprised, not only how easy it is to use, but also the results. Two days of consecutive use and the colour is great. It’s especially good for men. and there’s no mess from a brown colour guide – it’s completely clear.

  3. Joanne

    I don’t use self tan but I’m very very pale & go on holiday on Sunday so I decided to give this a go. I started using it last week & found it very quick & easy to apply – it’s like a cream & you use circular movements, the only difficulty was trying to do my back but make sure you do your feet & back of hands last as advised. The three minute wait is a pain but the results are worth the chill! No nasty smell either. Being very pale I could see a slight change straight away which very gradually goes a bit darker but I don’t think you’re ever going to go very dark. For me that’s great, I’d just look odd if I ended up chocolate coloured. My sister has been using it post holiday. She got a great tan & this has kept it topped up. I’m interested to see what colour I end up before my hols! For an easy natural looking glow I’d really recommend.

  4. I’m so excited to try this product out – I think it’s a really innovative idea.

    Tiffany Tales – A British Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  5. MB

    I’m a fake tan virgin and gave it a bash and I was impressed. Colour is light and natural but staining in poorly exfoliated areas and palms is as bad as I’ve seen from normal fake tan. I’ve already re-purchased.

  6. It sounds like such a brilliant idea, too bad about the 3 minute waiting time. It seems inconvenient, but in the same time I assume it means that you will not have uneven tan. (In my mind all the excess will be washed of after 3 minutes so better gradual tan, in theory.) Looking forward to hear if it worked out for you!

  7. I first discovered this at #bbloggers twitter chat on Sunday. Definitely a product I’d consider trying.

  8. Sherrie

    I love this product, I had the most amazing light glow after 2 uses. Completely natural. I leave the shower running and pop on a hair mask to pass the time 🙂 simple!

  9. Lauren TheNailyMail

    I’ve been using this and find it so easy to use. The colour is very natural too which is great for a tanning newbie like me. In the 3 minutes I tend to multitask with either a hair mask, face mask, or do my teeth 🙂

  10. Kerry

    I’ve tried this 5 times now, each time waiting over 5 minutes before rinsing (rinseing??) and didn’t notice even a slight change in colour! Went back to using my regular Kissed by Mii (thanks for the Secret Tanners tip there Jayne 🙂 Such a shame, I was so excited for this I was on tenterhooks waiting for the notification it was on sale.


  11. Be a right cold stand that in Ireland in winter lol!

  12. This sounds like a great idea if it actually works!

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥

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