So, on Friday night I got hacked. And they’re cheeky little f*ckers as well. I know exactly how this happened because I received the same email from a friend last week and emailed back to confirm that it was from her. The answer I got was, “Yes, it’s fine to open.” So I carried on trying to open it. Of course, I couldn’t, so I emailed again the following day saying I was sorry I couldn’t open it. The reply was, “Don’t worry, I’ll send it again.” Far from these email responses being from my friend, they were actually from the hackers encouraging me to open the email.
So, that’s how they fooled me – and subsequently how 4000 people ended up being sent this hack from my account. Obviously, I feel so guilty and incredibly silly for not realising but I’d done the right thing and checked, but had no inkling that the instant reply wasn’t from my friend.
So, ultimately, if you had that email from me (see picture above) don’t open it, and if you did, please change your password immediately. I spent all of Friday evening emailing as many people as I could to say don’t open it (on contacts you can’t email over 500 people and there isn’t a way to split the list either so much of it had to be done manually), answering tweets and replying to queries, especially from my elderly parents, and Mr BBB’s who were so worried about it all. So, while my password is safely changed, my mum and dad are living in terror that something awful will happen (they don’t understand the internet, really) despite constant reassurances. So, you know, thanks you stupid hackers for scaring the life out of my elderly relatives, putting me through total sweat-break panic and literally hours of trying to amend the situation. Hope it was fun for you.
You can read more about the hack HERE.
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