SpaceNK: Japanese Wash Cloth

Although at the time, I felt like a fool for spending £17 on an abrasive wash-cloth, this Japanese Wash Cloth proved a very good investment for silky, soft skin. It’s extremely exfoliating (so watch out if you have very sensitive body skin) and literally does leave you feeling as though you’ve had a full exfoliating treatment at a salon, no matter what cleansing products you use with it. The wash cloth is fantastic at removing the last shreds of self tan so you are squeaky clean and ready to start over, and I end up using it most in the summer for this very reason. I’ve had mine for at least a couple of years and it is still going strong, but I’ve noticed SpaceNK have repackaged it as part of the LifeNK range so it actually looks much more interesting! They’ve also added care information that it needs washing every couple of uses. I don’t really understand this, given that it’s used with shower-gels etc which are cleansing, and it would be a once-only mistake to use it on any delicate parts! That aside, it’s one of my enduring favourite beauty tools.

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6 responses to “SpaceNK: Japanese Wash Cloth”

  1. Sounds very interesting. Would you say it eliminates the need for a liquid/balm facial exfoliator?

  2. No – its actually for the body – sorry if that wasn’t clear.

  3. Ooh, I am mad about exfoliating but am so fickle when it comes to scrubs and exfoliating gloves…I think it’s because I’ve not quite found ‘the one’. I’m willing to give this one a go and don’t mind the price tag if it’s guaranteed to give effective results.

  4. I’m interested in the texture – is it really just a muslin cloth packaged to look pretty? Be interested to hear what you think. xx

  5. Hi Wee Birdy: the texture is hard to explain…its a synthetic fibre – like nylon that is tightly woven together so when you use it on your body it chafes away dead skin. If I had to describe it, I guess it would be a steamrollered brillo pad! But obviously more gentle than the real thing! x

  6. Old Cow

    Hello BBB have you tried the Muji one for a fraction of the price? They really are billiant AND you can chose a gentle or hard version too!

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