
Smurfette Smurfume
Smurfette Smurfume

Once again, my sister Sally’s US trip has paid BBB dividends! Ever since I spotted this (it’s US only at the moment) I just wanted it. Yes, it’s for children really (whether your five year old should be wearing perfume is a whole other post)  – it smells okay – sweet, floral, generic – not nasty by any means, but it’s just so damn CUTE! So now I have it, in the Smurfette variant, more for ornamental purposes than anything else.

Smurfume Vanity
Smurfume Vanity

BUT! Because sisters are brilliant, she included one extra, Vanity, above, so I’m happy to let that one go on a give-away – there’s only so much Smurfume one blogger needs. For US readers, it’s available on-line at Toys R Us.

Just leave me your Twitter handle and I’ll do a random pick by the end of Tuesday and notify you on Twitter.

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32 responses to “Smurfume!”

  1. These are so cute!

  2. Sara Thomas

    This is adorable! I still want Katy Perry’s smurfette dress that she wore to the movie premier 😀


  3. ChicHappens

    Squee! Smurfume <3

    Twitter = Chic_Happens_

  4. lora

    That is adorable!

    My twitter account is tansandtiarasx

    Lora x

  5. Would so love to win this! @DippyWrites x

  6. These are so cute!

  7. Rachael

    Aww, so cute! @rachiepowers

  8. Aww this is so cute, I’m @becahhhhhh fingers crossed! 😀 xxx

  9. man, I really want that! please let it be me!


  10. belle

    That’s so cute!! Love it



  11. They are so adorable – love The Smurfs
    Twitter- @rufflesnrabbits

  12. So adorably cute. I love! @dustyfoxes

  13. justine pendlebury

    Would love this. @ jspendlebury

    1. Jacqueline Owens

      My Daughter would Love this Actually takes me back to the first time the Smurfs were on the TV ahh Shock Horror giving away my age 🙂 xo my twitter is @jackieowensx 🙂 xo

  14. Lauren Hill

    Awww my lil girl would love this ! :))

    My twitter is @laurenhill900


  15. lishyb

    omg my mum love the smurfs, this would so make her day. @sims_queen

  16. I love The Smurfs! 🙂
    Twitter @tikhacheva

  17. Sharon Brown

    So cute! I don’t think I could part with this but would allow favourite neices to have a spray!

    Twitter: SharonB444

  18. So cute – takes me back! Twitter is @bananajava

  19. Ali

    WANT! My twitter handle is @maligreen 😀 x

  20. Debra Leivers

    @flutterderby Debra Flutter made me really smile !

  21. Mirry

    Aww! This really is adorable I used to love the Smurfs.


  22. Amelia



  23. I am addicted to smurfs – I play smurf village all the time on my phone lol xx @LouLou699 xx

  24. Zena Palmer

    Oh I’d love this! My husbands nickname is Smurf 🙂

  25. Samantha Donnelly



  26. Sooooooo cute!! My twitter handle is Emma_Cosgrove 🙂

  27. Hayley Sellick



  28. Jo

    Cute! My 6 year old (and my inner 6 year old!) would love it!
    Twitter: 88joey88

  29. Jo

    So cute! My 6 year old (plus my inner 6year old) would love this!
    Twitter: 88joey88

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