Skin Science: A Little Bit Eww?

The brand new to the UK Norwegian range, Skin Science, looks intriguing – it uses salmon roe extracts to provide anti-oxidant protection 30 times more potent than vitamin E. It also contains LEX, again a salmon roe derivative that claims to boost collagen by 600% in 8 days. What? Really? If it is true, this is massive. What slightly puts me off the brand is the whole salmony thing – although the products are odourless – and Zonase X, the exfoliating component is produced by hatchling salmons. I don’t know, but somehow this doesn’t sound very nice – I keep imagining poor hatchlings (in my head they’re the same as Poplars if you watch Futurama – silly, I know) deprived of their Zonase. 

A Poplar!

None of this is helped by the fact that Skin Science claims to delay skin ageing by 20% – I think claiming to prevent something that ‘might’ happen, and that happens differently from person to person is unprovable. And, again it is probably highly juvenile but the key ingredient is called Spermine, and this brings out the school girl in me that says eewww. Is it just me or are you squeamish about ingredients in your cosmetics?

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8 responses to “Skin Science: A Little Bit Eww?”

  1. I’m not squeamish about ingredients in skin care products, but you obviously are lol

  2. Dempeaux

    I agree – I feel bad about taking their Zonase away! I think I’d prefer to use something else.

    At any rate, I’m skeptical of a product that claims to delay ageing by 20%. How on earth do they arrive at that figure?

  3. Oh, that definitely sounds less than glamourous! I’d be interested to see what research they carried out to give them the 20% figure. I wonder if they have published results?

  4. Strikkelise

    Let me just say that I hadn’t heard of the brand, and obviously I haven’t tried it or studied any documentation.

    But I’m from Norway, and I say more than a little bit eww. The salmon industry is important in the Norwegian economy, but is getting more and more of a bad reputation, for environmental reasons. Things like escaping salmon (they escape from production facilities and become an ecological hazard toward the wild salmon in the sea), and the use of several drugs do prevent diseases in the salmon. What used to be regarded as “pure, natural, Norwegian fish on the dinner table”, is starting to be a second rate commodity.

    I get the feeling the salmon industry is looking for other markets, if you know what I mean.

  5. Eli

    Well, the ‘eww’ factor is here, but what I actually see is a neat packaging with an odourless cream – no sperm, no salmon hatchlings, so… I can get over it 😀

  6. mq, cb

    Generally no, but I would be about that one. Biggest ick for me recently: false eyelashes made of real human hair.

  7. Ali

    Call it caviar or call it fish eggs; I don’t like it on my plate or my face thanks. Pass.

  8. lady jane grey

    Hm, 600% – what to do with so much collagen ?

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