Simple Skincare #KindToCitySkin campaign is all about skin education, why you need to protect your skin and remember that city skin needs tlc. It almost goes without saying that thanks to pollution, if you live and work in a city, your skin will be affected. I only need to go home to my mum’s in rural Scotland to know that my hair needs washing less often, cleansing is a revelation (i.e. there is nothing coming off un-made up skin) and there is virtually no dust, to realise that city dwelling takes its toll. If you live in a city, you don’t really think twice about the extras, such as more hair washing, that you actually have to do.
Dermatologist, Dr. Susan Mayou, says: “As a result of city induced stress, cortisol production increases and immunity levels are generally lower, which can lead to out-breaks of cold sores and even shingles. Furthermore, the skin’s natural resistance drops making skin more susceptible to other elements including pollution and weather.” It might be a press release quote, but it’s absolutely true – I’ve lived in hectic London long enough to know your skin can wear your life.
Sometimes, it’s just about stripping things back and returning to skin basics – the Simple Skincare #KindToCitySkin campaign, interestingly, isn’t really about adding extra products or spending more, it’s about being specific and taking care over your beauty steps to protect your complexion. A recommendation is The Simple® Kind To Skin Purifying Cleansing Lotion (RRP £3.29) which is hardly a bank-breaker, but will do exactly what is needed to lift dirt, prevent build-up and break the dullness cycle that’s caused by pollution.
With three main trigger points for upset skin being pollution, weather and stress, if you’re a city dweller, there is no escaping these elements at any time! Pollution is greatly helped by good cleansing, as discussed, and stress.. well, you just need to ensure you treat downtime with the importance it deserves, and incorporate wellness and a healthy diet into it. The best no-nonsense advice for SPF from Dr Susan Mayou is this: “One of the latest protection messages is that everyone needs to apply a much greater quantity of sunscreen to give the SPF on the bottle i.e. 2mg/cm squared. This equates approximately to a teaspoon to the face, a dessert spoon to the arms and trunk and a tablespoon to the legs.” An SPF15 is the absolute minimum you should be wearing, even on a cloudy day. Simple Skincare recommend Simple® Kind To Skin Protecting Light Moisturiser SPF15 (RRP £4.99) – get that teaspoon out!
I rather admire the #KindToCitySkin campaign from Simple Skincare. Brands that really take on the wider issues of skin care, such as environmental and health do a great service in education – there’s no ‘buy masses of Simple Skincare’ on this campaign. It’s far more about a reminder to take care – something we could all do with more of – of our skin but also of ourselves.
NB: Sponsored Post
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