Payot is a French skincare brand that had a foray into the UK a few years back, but came at a time when we were absolutely swamped with new skin brands, and it didn’t really get the attention it deserved. I’m currently using Payot Huile Precieuse Minerale Regenerating Dry Oil and it’s absolutely lovely. The minimum of fragrance means it doesn’t interfere with scent (one of my pet hates) and the consistency is lighter than air. Better yet, I’m using it over Gatineau Melatogenine Tan Extender, and unlike other moisturisers the two formulations don’t do battle against each other by flaking. Not sure how to describe the phenomena when two products produce those ‘bits’ and seem to come away from the skin……any ideas? I think it possibly happens more when AHAs are involved that act to get rid of dead skin cells; add a balm or similar on top and little rolls of product appear and drop off. Anyone have a name for this? But back to Payot Dry Oil – it does, true to promises, leave skin soft and feeling satiny, and comes in a spray applicator. It doesn’t leave a high shine – possibly a gentle sheen – and feels like a luxury treat for the skin.

Silky Soft: Payot
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