When I wrote a post about all the beauty business world changes going on, several commenters said, ‘thank god, a post that’s not whining about PRs’ type thing. I have to say, that took me by surprise a bit – I had always thought that ‘insider’ posts were part and parcel of a blog; that the person behind the blog would be okay to talk about challenges (and, yes, a lot of them are PR related!) and a proportion of readers at least, would be interested to hear them. One comment really resonated where a reader said, ‘blogs are my happy place’. Which is amazing and wonderful and I totally understand it, but for bloggers out there, me, anyway, is it a question that we just have to shut up and get on with it? Or really, that we actually should never let readers into what really goes on behind the scenes?
I’ve always tried to make BBB less about me and more about the products (hence it’s a rare day when you get a picture of me!) and trends but the surface of a blog is such a small part of what it actually takes to make it happen. Behind this blog is literally one person (and Thom who does all the tech without whom I would quite honestly delete the lot) doing every single thing. I think it must be obvious to readers how competitive the blogosphere is now, but they’re right, I think, to not want to know about wrangling and difficulties. Blogs aren’t quite the intimate spaces they used to be but more of a service – dishing up daily portions of beauty with a slice of opinion on the side.
Lots of blogs don’t even really give opinion any more, never mind a dose of reality; there’s a lot, commercially, at stake if you give a review that’s not favourable. Which, when you think about it is absolutely perfect for people who want the above mentioned happy place. After all, you never see a magazine editor let rip in his or her pages do you? Beauty is a kind of sanctuary where you can find inspiration and browse gorgeous things and if you’re a provider of the happy place, there maybe isn’t any room for reality.
I’m constantly learning from readers – almost daily, and there is nothing that makes me happier than lots of comments whether they’re in agreement or not.. I just like it lively. I love that people feel free to drop their opinion or view onto my blog; it’s one of the biggest thrills of what I do (and especially those that say thank you – every time that happens my heart sings!). But, I’m not sure how I feel about blogging bland. It is, after all, just me back here, and sometimes I’d like to think I could reach out and express the ‘Jane’ bit of BBB without editing myself entirely out of the equation.
As always, please do let me have your views!
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