Seriously? It’s Toothbrushes At Dawn

If you ever wondered whether a blob of toothpaste had an actual name, I can confirm it does. Officially, it’s known as a nurdle. And, this innocent sounding teardrop of toothpaste has sparked one heck of a row between Colgate Palmolive and GlaxoSmithKline, the worlds’ two biggest toothpaste makers. It all seems to come down to the use of a three coloured nurdle, felt by Glaxo to be synonymous solely with their brands. However, Colgate felt differently, and so law suits are being filed and the battle begins over who can and who can’t use a triple shade nurdle.

I just can’t help thinking, have you seriously nothing better to do?

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6 responses to “Seriously? It’s Toothbrushes At Dawn”

  1. Nazia

    Ohhh thank you! That gave me a good long, much needed laugh! I’d love to hear that case represented in court!

  2. Georgia

    funny. I always associated the triple strip with colgate. Maybe they should call me up as a witness.

  3. aestheticcoo

    I can’t wait to tell my nephews about this word! Maybe it will encourage them to brush more often. I just hope I can exorcise the word from my brain before I brush my teeth again…I’m afraid it will be like a song I can’t get out of it. Thanks for the fun info!

  4. kaela

    Very funny info. But thanks for sharing. I am enjoying to read this.

  5. Novalinnhe

    I agree with Georgia, isn’t the whole triple strip thing Colgate’s?

    And Glaxo’s left it an awful long time before picking this argument, anyway. Maybe the recession was a bad time for toothpaste… ?

  6. I immediately thought of Aquafresh!!

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