I only heard about the Sephora Upside Down Mascara a couple of days ago – I love it for innovation. You can hear the sounds of heads hitting desks amongst other brands wondering why they didn’t think of it first. It’s the biggest revolution in mascara application that I can remember. Two brushes to apply mascara in one wand.

There is a major BUT coming. Apparently, it’s not very good. I saw it reviewed on the site of guilty pleasure (Daily Mail On-Line) and they really didn’t have a lot of success with this. I think though, that the Sephora Upside Down Mascara will have got other brands thinking how they can refine the idea (it will be patented to the moon and back I should think) to make it more workable. It does look a little unwieldy as it is, and actually now I look at it, I can imagine that if the underside brush was a flat plate that might work. Or maybe not!
Would you give it a go, or does it just look far too fiddly? It’s in Sephora Europe stores so if you’re visiting Paris it’s worth taking a look at for EU18.95. If you want more detail go HERE.
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