Sephora Upside Down Mascara

Double Brush Mascara
Double Brush Mascara

I only heard about the Sephora Upside Down Mascara a couple of days ago – I love it for innovation. You can hear the sounds of heads hitting desks amongst other brands wondering why they didn’t think of it first. It’s the biggest revolution in mascara application that I can remember. Two brushes to apply mascara in one wand.

double brush
double brush

There is a major BUT coming. Apparently, it’s not very good. I saw it reviewed on the site of guilty pleasure (Daily Mail On-Line) and they really didn’t have a lot of success with this. I think though, that the Sephora Upside Down Mascara will have got other brands thinking how they can refine the idea (it will be patented to the moon and back I should think) to make it more workable. It does look a little unwieldy as it is, and actually now I look at it, I can imagine that if the underside brush was a flat plate that might work. Or maybe not!

Would you give it a go, or does it just look far too fiddly? It’s in Sephora Europe stores so if you’re visiting Paris it’s worth taking a look at for EU18.95. If you want more detail go HERE.

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14 responses to “Sephora Upside Down Mascara”

  1. I spied this on Daily Mail too! I thought it looked amazing, I always make sure I cover both sides of my eyelashes anyway – I do one coat on top first looking down, and then do the rest of my mascara normally for a full coat! Shame it didn’t work out, but I bet that it does take some practice! Or maybe works amazingly when your mascara starts to dry out a little 🙂

    I’d do it with a big fibre brush as the front clamp, and maybe a skinny fibre one for the behind.

  2. They really are reinventing mascaras and it seems they’ll do anything to attract customers – understandable but if it compromises quality and ease of use, then what’s the point… Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight

  3. Lucy Dorling

    Looks like too much of a gimmick. What do you think of the new Avon mascara with the really wide comb? Xx

  4. Neelam

    The idea of this seems good but I’d be scared of it pulling out my lashes!! xx

  5. Janelle Lee

    This will make things easier! Thanks for featuring it.

  6. Abby

    I definitely would have tried this, but that was before I heard such negative reviews and now I think I am going to trust all the bloggers and pass on it!

  7. Emma

    hmm I don’t think it’s for me. Looks like a mini pair of straighteners!

  8. waseema

    I have this. Its amazing! No spillage on my eyelids. Volume, curled etc. You do need to wipe the brush down when you take it out, but its fab!

  9. Havent tried mine yet, but from a co-blogger I know for sure its a pain. I doubt this will be a success, sadly 🙁

  10. Amy- Brooklyn NY

    “You can hear the sounds of heads hitting desks…”
    Some of your best writing!

  11. LisaWordbird

    Might work if the brushes were the ‘comb’ type, so you don’t get massive blobs of mascara. Or if you can somehow combine the brushing on of the mascara with curling the lashes… Rotating brushes? WARM, rotating brushes???
    This is why we need more women in engineering.

  12. Jenn

    I have to agree with Emma. It does look like a mini pair of straighteners lol and could you use it without getting on your lids? Just seems to fiddly for my liking!

  13. I just go over the tops of my lashes after regular application anyway. This looks as much of a gimmick as Clinique Bottom Lash mascara, imo.

  14. Hi, I’ve just bought this mascara in Rom (we don’t have Sephora in Munich) and still a bit afraid of this applicator. But in some days hope to fight my fears and write my review about it, though.

    I also think that this idea is just brilliant:) I know, that a lot of Russian girls use regular mascara’s applicator for applying any mascara on the both sides of lashes. It somehow works..

    Have a nice day;)

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