It’s not like I wasn’t warned that Sephora own brand products can be hit and miss. Well, it seems like I hit upon a miss! Sephora Rouge Infusion Lip Ink ($14) is a no-weight lip stain that’s barely registered on my lips in terms of colour. Even the swatch on my arm doesn’t leave much of a stain. That’s not to say it doesn’t have a place but in my mind I think of stains as quite deep saturation and this just wasn’t. So, if you like your stains as barely there, then maybe it’s for you as now I think about it, it’s hard to get very light stains.

It looks nice and juicy in the swatch but the colour didn’t really translate to anything much and as soon as it went onto my lips, I thought it was drying. The shade is Tangerine.

But, while the Sephora Lip Ink was interesting to try, I am kicking myself for buying the Koh Gen Do wipes. They are very, very ordinary wipes and I don’t even use wipes very often. What was I thinking? The USP of these wipes is that they use Izumo spa water (I know, I was born under a rock), use natural herb essences and they’re oil free. And, did I mention they’re made from organic cotton and cost $38 for three packs of ten? The philosophy of Koh Gen Do is based on traditional Asian botanicals and homeopathy none of which have translated into the wipes. I think however, you are either into eco-friendly or you aren’t and I guess you would have to grab and hold the entire philosophy to enjoy this range anyway. I think I’m saying it’s me not them, but even so, $38 for wipes that pretty much feel and look like any other wipes.
All in all, I’m really pleased still that I tried the Sephora shipping to the UK (no I didn’t end up with any customs charges) but it’s not something I’d do again unless I had a ‘can’t live without’ moment. I think it’s just too expensive – and what we forget is that none of the prices on the US site show state tax either which is all dealt with at check out I believe (different states, different taxes).
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