It’s almost a beauty crime when you’re in a city that has a branch of Sephora not to visit – although the European Sephora stores aren’t as comprehensive as the US ones, there are still some goodies to be found.
I discovered Andrea Fulerton’s range for Sephora and some of Sephora’s own brand nail wraps.

These nail stickers were cheap as chips (you can get similar ones in Superdrug for about £1.99) but I used the stickers directly onto my bare nail and then coated a polish over them for a more sophisticated look – the polish here is semi-transparent Dior Le Vernis in Trafalgar but when I have more time I will experiment with doing this under a completely opaque nude.

Next up, I went for these amazing Sephora Nail Wraps (I think they were about eight Euros) – the quality isn’t amazing I must admit, but the effect came out quite well.

I haven’t had a proper chance to play with this gold Nail Art Pen from Andrea Fulerton Nail Boutique. However, where it differs from other nail art pens is that it has a soft tip like a fine-point Sharpie. It’s very easy to work with although you do keep having to press down for more and gives an extremely fine line so you can write or draw.
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