Separated At Birth Part Deux

Wow.. this copying of Moroccan Oil is getting out of control! Take a look at Aldi’s Miracle Oil:

And now, Moroccan Oil:

If I was writing Aldi’s end of term report it would read:

“Lacks imagination and confidence and is happier being a follower rather than a leader. Is too easily influenced by others.”

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5 responses to “Separated At Birth Part Deux”

  1. Are they even allowed to get away with this?!

  2. Lianne

    I’m assuming it’s like high street vs designer fashion? If they change enough of the core design elements they can get away with it even if it still looks familiar.

  3. You’d be a scary teacher. In a good way, obvs. *stands on desk in manner of Dead Poets Society*

  4. Makeup Advice Forum – Sam

    Aldi rarely has its own products, most things are mad ‘for’ or packaged ‘for’ aldi (according to the labels!).

    Mum was telling me she has a pot of Aldi face cream that is a perfect dupe in both packaging and content, for a ROC cream….

  5. They certainly do look a lot alike! Aldi’s needs to come up with a new color scheme for their bottle.

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