
Remembering for a moment that a blog is a place to record thoughts and views, and not just about figures (I’m reminding myself here: not others), I’m hopping mad with a ‘celebrity’ magazine website who sent me and lots of other bloggers an email offering to ‘include’ my views in an article on how to keep your hair and skin healthy in the sun. BUT, in order for me, or any of the other bloggers to be included, we need to offer link backs in the form of an embeddable badge.

Hello, did I just roll off the production line at the stupid factory? That’s an AD. And a free one at that. So, while there is the dilemma that yes, I would like more readers, I don’t think I want them at that price, thank you. It seems a very unfair position to be put in – initially, I was thrilled they wanted my view. But actually it isn’t my view they want, it is my readers. Sorry Heatworld, but you really need to learn more about blogs and bloggers before you start trying to form a social media relationship disguised as an interest in beauty views. 

Without knowing what the badge looks like, how long it needs to be there or really anything at all about the feature, for me it would be foolish to just jump in there. If they understood anything at all about blogging they’d realise the huge flaw in the their cunning plan. Any blogger could accept these terms, keep the badge on for a nano-second and then delete as soon as they’ve capitalised on the exposure.

Back to social media school for someone.

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11 responses to “Screams.”

  1. Charlie

    I totally hear you.

    Obviously I’m not good enough for Heat 😉

  2. At least they offered you something! You and I chatted last week about two people from the same website contacting me with the exciting chance to display their widget in my sidebar for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

    I politely responded with my ad rates but they didn’t back down or up their offer. I’m not even sure if I should send another response to their emails.

  3. This is basically the equivalent of a newspaper or magazine contacting an expert for input into a feature to give it more depth and substance.

    And then charging the expert money in return for their contribution.

    It just doesn’t work that way!

    Toni x

  4. Dinky’s Delights

    In reality Heatworld have probably paid some “Social Media Expert” around £20K plus who came up with this bright idea and told them that all bloggers are desperate for exposure and traffic and the traffic for Heatworld would be marvellous and it’s a win win situation ………. So maybe if Heatworld read this they should ask for a refund from their “expert”

  5. anna

    I love your blog and read it regularly . I look upon you as an expert friend, someone who shares my interest in all things beauty and really appreciate your ethical stand. I have stopped reading blogs that are just out for freebies. I enjoy your writing and think I can trust your opinions. Your integrity will increase your readership.

  6. I don’t like how they misconstrued what they were asking for, but for upcoming blogs it’s a great opportunity.

  7. A lot of blogs will take advantage of it to get the exposure. Every blog wants their numbers to expand so they will probably win with this. I’ve had several offers that we’ve turned down because the information is sketchy. I hope bloggers don’t jump into things without doing some research.

  8. I’m not judging other bloggers if they want to do this – of course it would be great for exposure. But, just didn’t like the approach and that they seem to have targeted high stats blogs in the first place so I don’t think new bloggers were offered it. BBB X

  9. beautywoome

    Too funny. I didn’t even read the whole email they sent (I got it too). Just saw the quotes thing and shot them back a few things. Sad to say for them I have no intention of putting any sort of badge on my site. Who the hell thought that was a good idea?

    I’ve noticed loads of brands hiring these social media companies or interns to handle online stuff and who do an entirely inferior job — blanket canvasing bloggers, starting emails with ‘dear blogger’ or ‘dear editor’, etc.

    I love that you write posts like this! No holds barred. Love. It.

    xox Jess

  10. i told them to eff off too. Idiots LLGxx

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