Ages ago, Rituals asked me to fill in a multiple choice questionnaire which I did, and then simply forgot all about. Until this beautiful framed picture arrived the other day that describes me from the answers given. All of the above I think are pretty accurate, other than being a quick learner (it takes me forever to learn anything new) and life of the party (I don’t love parties) but it’s strange to see a personality assessment all framed up and looking pretty. I haven’t found the perfect spot in my house for it yet but I suspect I will put it where Mr BBB can reflect upon it daily!

Along with the frame came a personalised menu of Rituals products, including this Chakra Water mist – never has a chakra needed rebalancing more than mine does right now! Rituals Chakra Water is actually a bed and linen spray which I love – it’s a no-brainer product that doesn’t come with any wild claims and promises, just makes your bed and linen smell nice. At a time when I’m feeling rather overwhelmed with products and all their ‘wonder’ ingredients, the simpleness of this is absolutely refreshing. The fragrance is Indian Rose & Himalaya Honey – there is far more rose than honey – and it’s just one of those products that reminds you that pleasure doesn’t have to be complicated.
Rituals Chakra Water is £16.50 HERE.
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