Because I have professionally applied lash extensions, I know how difficult and intricate placing lash extensions is, so I was astonished to see there is a home extension kit.
I haven’t got the product, but have watched the video. The lashes aren’t individual but rather, little clumps of lashes, that you apply to your own lashes. There’s nothing instructional that I noticed about how many lashes the clump is supposed to apply to – whether it is one or several, but all the complaints I’ve ever heard about lash extensions is when it’s the clump application rather than the individual. Not that happy to hear that ‘the vapour from glue may cause your eyes to water and blink’ which is, apparently ‘natural’ (no it isn’t!) – I’ve never experienced this with professional lashes. It also takes 48 hours for the glue to be completely bonded – I wonder what you’re supposed to do – bearing in mind that’s two sleeps – during the 48 hours it takes for them to become fully bonded.
The video does recommend a patch test 24 hours to applying, so that’s something, but otherwise, there is no way I would touch this; you’re going extremely close to the eye with a glue laden foreign object. Think of it this way, if I asked you if you’d like to pay for some glue in your eye, you’d probably say no and yet, unless you are extremely steady handed, it’s a possibility that this could happen.
An out and out no-no, on a no-no par with at-home tattoos!
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