Timing wise, testing the Remington PROtect Range could not have fallen more perfectly. If you’re a regular reader of BBB, then you’ll know that I had a Keratin infusion that banished all frizz – the time that you really appreciate these treatments is when they’ve worn off and you remember what your hair is really like! So, after the worst hair in living memory (maybe aside from an unfortunate two weeks in California some years back) in Majorca a few weeks ago which was hit by both humidity and extreme heat at the same time, I’m booked back in. That can never happen again.
In the meantime, however, the Remington PROtect range (I’ve been trialling the PROtect dryer and the PROtect Straightener) has been doing a sterling job of keeping my hair smooth. I am the first to be cynical about things you can’t actually see such as the dryer ring infused with Keratin, Argan and Macademia but there’s definitely something about this dryer that gives a better home finish than I’ve been able to achieve previously. In fact, I’m converted to the dryer for its ability to dry hair seemingly more quickly with less heat. I don’t know how that happens, but it does. It was the first thing I noticed because I hate drying my hair and anything at all that shaves off precious minutes is a win. It’s got ionic conditioning, but I think these days, you’d expect that, and crucially, it’s not heavy – it’s a similar weight to a much smaller dryer that I have, but with half the noise output.

Combine the Remington PROtect Dryer (£39.99) HERE with the PROtect straightener (£89.99) HERE and the result is a softer feeling and smoother looking finish. So, to the Straightener. There’s a little compartment that you add water into so that you can get what Remington calls a ‘cool mist’. As you run the straighteners through your hair at 170 degrees the mist helps to style with less heat. I am a culprit at banging up my straighteners to the max and with this method, you genuinely don’t need to. I did struggle with the steam, in that I’d misread the instructions and thought you needed to press the blue button every time you need steam.. but actually the steam runs in a continuous flow as long as you are on 170 degree heat after you’ve turned the button on. If I was to change anything about the Remington PROtect Straightener, it would be the positioning of the button – I switched it off a couple of times by mistake because it’s where my thumb naturally wants to sit when holding the irons. There’s the option to go large, temperature wise, but I can honestly say I didn’t need to with the low temperature and steam combo. The steam is part of the Hydracare tech – cool misting with optimum straightening heat and plates infused with Keratin, Argan & Macadamia oils.
Remington claim 68% less damage – a couple of weeks isn’t enough to confirm that, but I can certainly tell that the tools are gentler on my hair than my regular styling tools and the finish is infinitely softer. I can tell by the way that the ends of my hair don’t look ‘dry’ after using the dryer – normally I’d need to smooth over those dry ends with a straightener, and I haven’t had to, it’s been optional. On the technical points, the dryer uses Thermacare technology to dry hair fast with less heat – therefore, less damage.
I’m booked for another Keratin treatment but I think if I’d tried these tools before I’d booked, I really might not bother.
*Tools provided and post sponsored by Remington
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