Over the years, I’ve been to many a presentation with other beauty writers where the – usually female – brand owner/ambassador/spokesperson raves and raves about how much younger everyone will look, how marvellous the cream, how wrinkle slaying, how like Botox etc. We all sit there, nodding sagely, all thinking the unsayable – that the spokesperson doesn’t actually look that good. It is almost an industry unmentionable, but a recent presentation of a supposedly very anti-ageing range was presented by a woman who, although immaculate in every possible way, really didn’t look anything like marvellous for her age (unless she was an amazing 94 or something). It just never seems to occur to the brands that it is all very well promising the earth, but if your spokesperson, who is supposed to be welded to the range, doesn’t look absolutely amazing with barely a line on her face, it’s a hard ask for us to believe that these products are going to do wonders.
In real life, it is abhorrent to judge a woman on her skin or wrinkle depth, but hello people! – this is the beauty industry, where ageing isn’t flipping well optional. We’re the ones who have to judge on looks because I for one am not happy writing about products that promise a new youth for skin, and consequently encouraging women to spend their hard earned money, on a product that seemingly doesn’t work. So brands, please don’t say it gives a ‘botox-like’ effect unless your face is virtually ironed, don’t say it gives a ‘salon style microdermabrasion effect’ unless your face is literally alabaster smooth, and most of all don’t tell me your product is akin to cosmetic surgery unless you are absolutely looking at least 10 years younger than your actual age. It is harsh, I know, but I don’t want to be conned any more than anyone else does, and I certainly don’t want to be doing the conning.
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